She did extensive graduate studies for a Ph.D. in biology in the Graduate School, Department of Biology at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.), and received her Masters and Doctorate Degrees in Philosophy from the Department of Philosophy at Georgetown University — concentrating in both the History of Philosophy and in Bioethics (Kennedy Institute of Ethics).
Dr. Irving is currently semi-retired, she has taught full time at several local universities, including Dr. Georgetown University and The Catholic University of America — teaching courses in biology and biochemistry as well as in the history of philosophy, natural law ethics, and medical ethics.
Dr. Irving has also published, lectured and debated widely in academia on bioethics, medical ethics, and research ethics, and has also served as a consultant on medical ethics and research ethics, including Accountability in Research, the American Philosophical Association, the American Catholic Philosophical Association, The Linacre Institute, FIAMC, and the Catholic Association of Scientists and Engineers. Dr. Irving is married, with two children and six grandchildren.
Selected Publications
— “Ethics in neurobiological research: One consumer/provider’s perspective”. With Frederick J. Frese, III, in Ethics in Community Mental Health Care: Commonplace Concerns, Ed,, Patricia Backlar, David L. Cutler (2002)
— Which medical ethics for the 21st century? Linacre Quarterly (2003)
— NIH and human embryo research revisited: what is wrong with this picture?, Linacre Q (2000)
— Analysis: “Making sense of the North Dakota Prolife Bill HB 1450?” (2011)
— “American Medical Association’s “Narrow Definitions”, Legal “Re-definitions” … and Reproductive Cloning” (2009)
— “Testimony to DHHS Re Rescinding Provider Conscience Clause” (2009)
— Testimony In Support of the Maryland Personhood Amendment (2009)
— “Analysis: Delaware House Passes Fraudulent Human Cloning ‘Ban’” (2006)
— “Analysis: Local Illinois School District Science Textbook Misleads Students on Stem Cell Research” (2005)
— “Analysis: Delaware Regenerative Medicine [Stem Cell] Bill SB 80” (2005)
— “Testimony Submitted to FDA Re Change of MAP to OTC Status” (2004)
— “Analysis of Legislative and Regulatory Chaos in the U.S.: Asexual Human Reproduction and Genetic Engineering” (2004)
— “Analysis: Stearns’ Congressional Human Cloning Fairy Tale ‘Ban’; New Age and Transhumanist Legislation for ‘Converging Technologies’?” (2004)
— Analysis: State of Louisiana ‘Total Bans’ on Human Cloning (2004)
— State of Delaware human cloning “ban”: Loopholes Form Blueprints for Human Genetic Engineering (2004)
— “Requested submission to State of Maryland, Committee Hearings on ‘Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2004′” (2004)
— Analysis: “State of Nebraska human cloning ‘ban’”, Senate Bill HP-602 (2004):
— “Submission to the FDA Re: New Drug Application, Plan B, and ‘Morning-After’ Pills” (2003)
— “Speaking Out About The Costa Rican Cloning ‘Bust’ At The United Nations” (2003)
— “Analysis: Stem cells that could become embryos: Implications for the NIH Guidelines on stem cell research… ” (2001)
— A review of patient outcomes in pharmacological studies from the psychiatric literature, 1966-1993, Sci Eng Ethics. (1997)
BOOK (with Dr. C. Ward Kischer), The Human Development Hoax: Time To Tell The Truth! (1995).
“Accountability in research using persons with mental illness”, in Matt Weinberg (ed.), Medical Ethics: An Introduction for Ethics Committees. Also published in Ethics in Neurological Research with Human Subjects: The Baltimore Conference on Ethics, 1997
— Psychiatric research: reality check; J California Alliance Mentally Ill. (1994)
— Quality assurance auditors: how to survive between a rock and a hard place, Quality Assurance (1994)
— The impact of “scientific misinformation” on other fields: philosophy, theology, biomedical ethics, public policy, Accountability Research (1993)
— The PSDA and the depressed elderly: “intermittent competency” revisited, Journal of Clinical Ethics. (1993)
— Scientific and philosophical expertise: an evaluation of the arguments on “personhood”, Linacre Q. (1993)
— Which ethics for science and public policy?, Accountability Research (1993)
— “Global Health: Bioethics”, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
— “Quantitative studies of the binding of syngeneic antibody to the surface antigen of AKR-virus induced rat lymphoma cells”, International Journal of Cancer )1972)