July 26, 2022

Children, who are at no risk from Covid-19, are being aggressively pursued and forcibly injected with an

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Children Are Being Sacrificed on the Altar of Covid Vaccines

October 26, 2006

ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP) Tel. 212-595-8974 Fax: 212-595-9086 142 West End Ave. Suite 28P New

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Children are Humans: Don’t Sacrifice their Rights, Dignity & Welfare

March 27, 2003

ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION (AHRP) Tel. 212-595-8974 Fax: 212-595-9086 142 West End Ave. Suite 28P New

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Children are Humans: Don’t Sacrifice their Rights, Dignity & Welfare

July 19, 2022

Leaked Documents Reveal: Israeli Ministry of Health Concealed Serious Harm from Pfizer Covid Vaccine Israel’s Ministry of

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Israel Was Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

January 1, 2022

The first duty of responsible, loving parents is to protect their children from harm. A parent’s duty

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Why is the Israeli Gov. Bribing Jewish Parents to Vaccinate their Children?

April 23, 2013

Extremely low weight premature infants have an approximately 20% mortality rate —if treated with the best current

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Doctors Deceived, Premature Infants’ Lives Sacrificed

January 9, 2013

FYI / Action Help prevent a medical atrocity A public meeting of the Presidential Commission for the

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Obama Administration Propsal: Anthrax Vaccine Experiment on Children

August 25, 2011

An Op Ed in The New York Times by Joel Bakan, a law professor at the University

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Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets Children

July 8, 2011

The National Biodefense Science Board,convened a two day meeting of the  Anthrax Vaccine Working Group at the

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AHRP Leads Opposition to Proposed Anthrax Vaccine Trial in Children

June 28, 2011

    ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION         A catalyst for public debate 142 West End Avenue Suite 28P

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AHRP Letter to DHHS Secretary: NO Anthrax Vaccine Test in Children

May 6, 2011

According to BioPrepWatch.com , the Obama administration is seeking to obtain a green light to conduct an

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Obama Administration Seeks to Test Anthrax Vaccine in Children

October 26, 2006

Linguistic Tinkering with Regulatory Terminology Increases Risk of Harm for Children: "minimal risk" "minor increment of minimal

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Linguistic Tinkering with Regulatory Terminology Increases Risk of Harm for Children

October 26, 2006

AHRP Campaign to Protect Children from Harm Oct 15: FDA Orders Black Box Warnings on Antidepressants labels

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Research Protection for Children

October 26, 2006

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine Robert M. Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.

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Public Comments Re: Smallpox Vaccine Trial on 2 to 5 Year Old Children, Nelson & Offit, U of Penn