Dr. Puliyel leads a group of concerned pediatricians and health care activists, including Public Health teachers and officials who challenge ill-conceived national vaccine policies promoted by the powerful vaccine industry and its dependent stakeholders in government, academia, and so-called nonprofits. The principal promoters in poor underdeveloped countries are: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, its off-shoot, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) and the World Health Organization – all of who have deep financial ties to vaccine manufacturers. GAVI offers “subsidies” to entice governments in underdeveloped countries to include vaccines of questionable health benefit. Once these vaccines are added to the country’s national immunization program, GAVI withdraws the “subsidies” putting the entire cost burden on poor countries. This “bait and switch” marketing strategy has been developed by vaccine stakeholders masquerading as “Advocates.”
Dr. Puliyel is an ardent seeker for the truth in medicine and the medical literature. He is in the forefront challenging the powerful vaccine lobby with evidence negating their false claims about benefits of vaccines, whose value for Asian populations he questions. “For a vaccine to be introduced into the national immunization programme, it must reduce disease burden sufficiently to justify its costs. Unfortunately Hib (influenza) does not fit that bill…”
Dr. Puliyel challenges those who tout “evidence-based medicine” but fail to incorporate empirical evidence, clinical experience, and patient values with the best available research information. He has challenged the integrity of reviews that are shown to be seriously tainted by financial conflicts of interests. He has criticized the Cochrane Collaboration for their faulty conclusion that infants treated with surfactant benefited. “How many parents would consider survival for 30 days a crucial end point if their baby did not survive to go home? It seems that evidence based medicine reports are not averse to a bit of spin.”
Dr. Puliyel has published more than 90 peer-reviewed major medical journals including: British Medical Journal, Lancet, American Journal of Perinatology, Pharmacoeconomics, Paediatrics, and Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Research.
- Correlation between Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis Rates with Pulse Polio Frequency in India, International Journal of Environmental Research in Public Health (2018)
- New pentavalent rotavirus vaccine shows little efficacy against diarrhea Vaccine (2018)
- Deaths Reported after Pentavalent Vaccine Compared with Death Reported after Diphtheria‑Tetanus‑Pertussis Vaccine: An Exploratory Analysis, Medical Journal Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, (2018)
- Revised World Health Organization (WHO)’s causality assessment of adverse events following immunization—a critique, F1000 Research, (2018)
- Evaluation of the Protection Provided by Hepatitis B Vaccination in India. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 2017
* A full listing is available on the following web sites” https://jacob.puliyel.com/ and PubMed
03. 2020. Coronavirus Pandemic: Is It Time to Wind Down the Rhetoric? , Jacob Puliyel , The Wire