The French husband and wife team of Gérard Delépine, MD, Pediatrician, Oncologist, Surgeon, and Nicole have been battling the French health bureaucracy for 30 years on behalf of cancer patients and on behalf of treating physicians who have been sidelined by government bureaucratic cancer treatment protocols influenced by pharmaceutical company interests. Drs. Delépine are fighting to improve the treatment options and the care of patients with cancer; taking into account not only the response of the tumor, but also the body’s reaction to the drugs, and prescribing individualized dose adjustments of chemotherapies as needed.
Drs. Delépine are outspoken critics of the state-dictated medical “tyranny” in France; where Regional Health Agencies dictate cancer treatment protocols that are formulated to inflate profits for the cancer treatment industry; protocols and screening campaigns that are shown to cause patients harm. For example, they cite the 25-Year Canadian follow-up study of breast cancer mortality published in the BMJ. The study demonstrates that breast screening did not reduce mortality rates – as widely claimed – instead, it resulted in over-diagnosing breast cancer, resulting in unnecessary surgery.
“Let’s apply the precautionary principle! Let us respect the right of every human being to informed choice/consent for medical interventions!”
Nicole and Gérard Delépine have authored books and more than 100 journal articles, including:
Cancer. The Right Questions To Ask Your Doctor (2016)
Treat Or Obey. First Urgent Measures To Avoid Sinking (2016)
Anti-Cancer Drugs: Inefficient, Often Toxic And Overpriced (2017): This book is an indictment against the pharmaceutical industry, whose interests often collide against those of patients. The fundamental problem with so-called “innovative” therapies is that patients and doctors, no longer have the choice of the best treatment based on the achievements of science.
“The tragedy today is that patients no longer have the opportunity to make an informed choice about their treatment. Today, there is no direct, sensitive contact with the patient. We went from an individualized medicine, the medicine of Hippocrates, which required the physician’s compassion and empathy, to a battery of standardized tests and a computer printout of a standardized treatment protocol. Defending the right to therapeutic choice for our children with cancer for their parents in this case, it is to give the best chances of long-term survival to these children by resorting to well-tried and effective treatments, even if they then go on to a therapeutic trial.
We can no longer do this today, because all childhood cancers are treated in the context of standardized protocols, in the name of “progress”. This is false, because, contrary to what is widely broadcast, there is no noticeable progress in the treatment of childhood cancers; and because this standardization of practices leads to the use of new treatments (declared to be “innovative”), but in reality, inefficient and overpriced. This protocolization has been applied extremely rigorously since 2010. Doctors who do not follow it lose their medical accreditation.”
Dr. Delépine notes that patients have the right to say no. An adult patient has the right to ask questions and to refuse a treatment protocol. However, if the patient is a child, the legal right to say no, disappears. If a parent refuses treatment for his/her child – even for entirely legitimate medical reasons – the parent may lose custody, and the child can be placed under guardianship by a judge.
Dr. Nicole Delépine has fought for the independence of her hospital and for placing the patient at the center of concern by both physicians and the administration. She has participated in numerous meetings and conferences against state dictated, uniform cancer treatment protocols that dictate high utilization of chemical interventions. Dr. Delépine is an outspoken advocate for the doctor’s freedom to treat patients according to the doctor’s judgment about the individual patient’s needs. She is also a strong advocate for ensuring that medicine maintains its commitment to its foundational ethical principles: the Hippocratic Oath, “First, do no harm”; and the Voluntary, Informed Consent to medical interventions.
Her books include:
- Nine Small Beds On The Sidewalk (2014) describes the fight for survival of a pediatric cancer unit pitted against the Big Cancer lobby.
• Cancer, A Plague That Pays (2013)
• The Hidden Face Of Drugs (2011)
• My Freedom To Cure For Medicine, Against The Unique Thought (2006)
The most recent research focus area in cancer for the doctors Delépine, is cervical cancer and its screening and so-called preventive vaccine.
In Hystérie Vaccinale (Vaccine Hysteria) (2018) they explain that cervical cancer is rare, and in upper-income countries where PAP smears are used to routinely screen for cervical cancer, it is 80% preventable. In the U.S. the death rate from cervical cancer is less than 1% — 0.7%. There is no cervical cancer emergency.
In Gardasil: Faith and Propaganda versus Hard Evidence (2019) the doctors Delépine report the results of their analysis of the global evidence of cervical cancer as documented in government registries of Australia, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, and France. They analyzed the data prior to, and following vaccination with the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, Gardasil, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline. Gardasil has been widely, aggressively promoted as a cancer prevention vaccine. Doctor Nicole and Gérard Delépine compared the rate of cervical cancer during the pre-vaccination period – from 1989 to 2007 – and the rate of cervical cancer since vaccination with Gardasil. They reported their evidence-based seriously troubling findings:
- During the PAP smear screening era (1989-2007), the incidence of cervical cancer declined by 50 %. Since 2007, following Gardasil’s marketing authorization “a trend reversal” was observed in all countries with high immunization coverage (Australia, Great Britain, Norway, Sweden). Their analysis of the government databases reveals a paradoxical increase in the cancer incidence appearing 3 to 5 years following the vaccination campaign. This increase affects almost exclusively the most vaccinated age groups.
Their most recent reports (in English):
- Paradoxical Effect of Anti=HPV Vaccine Gardasil on Cervical Cancer Rate Nicole Delépine, Actus (2019)
- Update Of Published Data On Cancer Registries On Cervical Cancer Incidence And Gardasil Oct 2019
Their international publication list is at: http://docteur.nicoledelepine.fr/publications/publications-nicole-delepine/