August 1, 2015

Alliance for Human Research Protection  Fri, 18 Jul 2003 Dear Dr. Campbell and others concerned about ethical

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Ethics of ARDS lung experiment debated

June 30, 2013

Part 2 of 4: The foremost booster of the unethical SUPPORT experiment, whose lethal results were predictable

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Medical Research Stakeholders Seek to Overturn Informed Consent Protections

June 27, 2013

Part 1: The parameters of ethical research are under pressure from a coterie of stakeholders who blur

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Medical Research Stakeholders Seek to Overturn Informed Consent Protection

May 10, 2013

Beware of medical research institutions whose physicians violate medical ethics with impunity, exposing vulnerable patients to serious

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Premature Babies, Targets of Unethical Experimentation

May 8, 2013

After more than a dozen years during which we have been challenging psychiatry’s legitimacy as a medical

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Two NIMH Directors Debunk DSM & Deplore Psychiatry’s Unscientific Modus Operandi

January 6, 2013

In the past decade India had emerged as a preferred site for drug trials by multinational pharmaceutical

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India Supreme Court Orders End to Illegal Clinical Trials

November 13, 2012

Physicians at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center have taken a giant step toward stemming the tide of unconscionable

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Physicians Say NO to Prescription Drug Price Gouging

October 10, 2012

  LiveMint & Wall Street Journal Clinical trials: Regulating chaos The first in a two-part series examining

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India’s Dark Underbelly: Clinical Trial Business

October 7, 2012

IV. What Do We Get for All That Money? According to the Kaiser Foundation:[1] The number of

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part II–What Do We Get for $$$ ?

May 9, 2012

The case involves the largest Alzheimer’s disease [AD] research grants awarded by the National Institutes of Health

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Harvard To Be Tried for Alzheimer’s Research Fraud

April 12, 2012

In their compelling Op Ed article in The New York Times, Drug Data Shouldn’t Be Secret, (below)

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Nobody Should Volunteer for Clinical Trials As Long As Research Data Is Secret

August 11, 2011

For two decades, medical professionals, the public, and public health policy officials who determine the allocation of

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The Truth About Psychiatric Drugs

August 1, 2011

Commercially-driven biomedical research–in particular, research involving prescription drugs, vaccines, and medical devices—has corrupted the entire field of

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Useless Studies, Real Harm

July 21, 2011

An investigation, prompted by Sen. Charles Grassely, was conducted by Harvard University-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital. It concluded

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Harvard Psychiatrists Disciplined for Conflicts of Interest