May 3, 2016

The Video National Public Radio: “This is a program that has some very vocal critics. They say

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Almost 50% of teens Screened for Mental Health Were Referred for Psychiatric Intervention

November 20, 2012

   The following announcement was posted on TeenScreen’s website (November 15, 2012):  "Important Announcement for Schools &

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TeenScreen Operations Have Shut Down

March 17, 2010

The NY Times reports that an IMS Health report found that the giant pharmaceutical industry  annual growth

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US Gov Medical Experiment Radically Departs from medical “Best Practices”

February 10, 2010

A report in the New York Times "Revising Book on Disorders of the Mind" by Benedict Carey

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DSM5 Revisions

July 15, 2009

An article in TIME Magazine about the "Mother’s Act"– Federal legislation that would require screening all women

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Psychiatrist Steps to the Plate

April 27, 2008

  ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION 142 West End Avenue, Suite 28P New York, NY 10023

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Letter of Complaint Re: FDA Double Agent

October 1, 2007

The Cortland County Mental Health agency is about to invade Syracuse schools exposing “every fifth grader and

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Syracuse, NY Mental Screening Drganet

October 1, 2007

A commentary by Richard Friedman, MD, [1] was published in December 28, 2006 issue of The New

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A Response to Dr. Richard Friedman’s Defense of TeenScreen

March 21, 2007

The Boston Globe reports that "little attention has been paid to smaller nonprofits, especially patient groups that

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Non-profit Fronts for Drug Industry_Boston Globe

February 20, 2007

Newsweek’s featured article: “Men and Depression: New Treatments” (February 26, 2007) s is an infomercial masquerading as

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“Real Men, Real Depression” Marketing Masquerading as Medical News_Newsweek

February 19, 2007

“Real Men, Real Depression campaign <> ”–in Newsweek: “Men and Depression: New Treatments” (February 26, 2007). This

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Real Men, Real Depression—-Marketing Masquerading as Medical News_Newsweek

February 12, 2007

The Associated Press reports that a newly approved, Merck vaccine against rotavirus in infants, has been linked

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Merck RotaVirus Vaccine Risks

October 31, 2006

The Los Angeles Times reports (below) about the latest study in "a welter of efforts to identify

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NIMH Chief Child/Adoles Research Blows Wind out TeenScreen Sails_ Los Angeles Times

October 26, 2006

US Preventive Services Task Force: No evidence that screening for suicide reduces suicide Fri, 21 May 2004

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US Preventive Services Task Force: No evidence that screening for suicide reduces suicide