May 9, 2012

A British Parliamentary Committee Report deemed Rupert Murdoch "not a fit person" to run a major news

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Who Is Not Fit To Practice Medicine?

August 11, 2011

For two decades, medical professionals, the public, and public health policy officials who determine the allocation of

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The Truth About Psychiatric Drugs

May 11, 2011

Antipsychotics are used primarily as chemical restraints to control behavior– not for any therapeutic, medically justifiable reason..

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US Inspector General Report: Antipsychotic Drug Hazards

February 22, 2011

The FDA has just issued an alert to healthcare professionals–in particular, psychiatrists and obstetricians about the serious

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FDA MedWatch- Antipsychotics Class Label Change

January 14, 2011

The excerpts from The New Yorker (below) may be read as a companion piece to the Atlantic

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The Truth Wears Off

December 15, 2010

After two decades of contentious denials about the suicidal risk posed by certain psychoactive prescription drugs, numerous

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31 Prescription Drugs Linked to 387 Homicides

October 3, 2010

A New York Times report (below) reviews what has been accomplished by multiple civil and criminal lawsuits

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Lawsuits, Just the Cost of Criminal Marketing of Antipsychotic Drugs

September 10, 2010

According to a report by the Associated Press, the FDA has approved expanded use of Merck’s toxic

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FDA Expands Market for Another Toxic Antipsychotic

September 2, 2010

A “must read” front page article by New York Times reporter, Duff Wilson, “Child’s Ordeal Shows Risks

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Child’s Ordeal Shows Risks of Antipsychotic Drugs for Young

June 17, 2010

An investigative report by The Chronicle of Higher Education (June 6, 2010) provided details about the surrreptitious

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NIH Reform Compromised By Chief NIMH Psychiatrist

May 20, 2010

MEDCO Drug Trend report (2010): children who are covered by health insurance are the drug industry’s fastest

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Pharma Targets Children– Fastest Growing Market for Rx Drugs

April 28, 2010

AstraZeneca is the fourth giant prescription drug manufacturer to be busted by the U.S. Department of Justice

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How to Stop Epidemic Antipsychotic Drug Prescribing

October 28, 2009

In the second half of the twentieth century, Soviet psychiatrists collaborated with their government: Soviet psychiatrists prescribed

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Nursing Homes: Psychotropic Drug Abuse

October 27, 2009

Senator Charles Grassley has hit the bull’s eye when he asked the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental

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NAMI Constituency Betrayed