October 14, 2016

Fifty-four years after the publication of Rachel Carson’s clarion call, against a Silent Spring,  the pesticide sector of

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The merger of two mega corporate rogues: Bayer & Monsanto

August 1, 2015

An investigative report by ABC- 20/20 aired on Friday night (July 7). Viewers were informed that an

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2006: Fake Blood Experiments Without Consent: Is Your City Participating? FDA: Closed Door Meeting

August 1, 2015

UK Patients Used as Drug ‘Guinea Pigs”_Guardian Feb 9 2003 Medical fraud experts in the U.K. estimate

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UK Patients Used as Drug ‘Guinea Pigs" Guardian

October 7, 2012

VIII. FDA is the pivotal regulatory gatekeeper entrusted with: “protecting the public health by assuring the safety

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part V–FDA Complicit in Crimes

April 11, 2012

The focus, in this instance, is not a therapeutic intervention, but rather a test using a radioactive

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Why Eli Lilly’s Alzheimer’s Imaging Test- Amyvid- Is NO Breakthrough

March 28, 2012

A committee of the National Academy of Sciences heard testimony about the tenfold increase during the last

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Cancer Research False Claims

March 7, 2011

At long last Big Pharma’s ill-begotten profits are slated to take a major financial hit. * This

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This Year Alone, Drug Industry To Lose $50 billion

January 27, 2011

The Coalition Against Bayer pharmaceuticals (CBG) announces that Bayer and Baxter settled a mulit-million dollar compensation suit

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Bayer Settles Multi-Million With Hemophiliacs Over HIV Tainted Blood

March 31, 2010

The New York Times reports that the FDA has approved the use of AstraZenceca’s statin, Crestor, for

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FDA Approves Crestor Use for Healthy People–Watch Healthcare Costs Skyrocket

March 4, 2007

The WP reports: "The American Medical Association and about a dozen other health groups warned the Food

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FDA Set to Approve Antibiotic for Cattle That Poses Catastrophic Threat_WashPost

January 26, 2007

At least 100 people died because of the failure of Bayer to disclose thelethal risks of its

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Bayer Settles Baycol AG Stuits $8 million

November 23, 2006

The drug industry's undue influence–on the FDA and its advisory committees that are made up mostly of

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Dangerous Deception: Hiding the Evidence of Adverse Drug Effects_NEJM

November 7, 2006

This book is a blow by blow description of Dr. Rost's experience as aninsider–indeed a high-level pharmaceutical

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Whistleblower: Confessions of Healthcare Hitman

October 26, 2006

Calls Mounting for FDA Revamp / Americans Are the most medicated population in the world – DHHS

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Calls Mounting for FDA Revamp / Americans Are the most medicated population in the world – DHHS