December 12, 2012

Bloomberg News conducted a data review of payroll records for 1.4 million public employees of the 12

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California Bidding War: Psychiatrist Paid $822,000_Bloomberg

September 1, 2011

  A year after professor Susan M. Reverby, a historian at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, uncovered a

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Presidential Panel Condemns US Syphilis Study in Guatemala

August 1, 2011

Commercially-driven biomedical research–in particular, research involving prescription drugs, vaccines, and medical devices—has corrupted the entire field of

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Useless Studies, Real Harm

April 7, 2011

 “Reviewing the evidence is a critical public health issue in light of the increasing prevalence of antidepressant

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SSRI Antidepressants Linked to Breast Cancer

August 23, 2010

Kudos to Carl Elliott, MD, PhD,  whose powerful article, “Making a Killing,” published in Mother Jones, is

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Making a Killing–Marketing Exercises by Dr. Carl Elliott

March 18, 2010

Two disturbing news reports below: 1.UK Daily Telegraph reports about a covert CIA experiment on French civilians

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Obama Threatens Veto / CIA Experiment Spiked French Bread with LSD

January 29, 2010

In December, 2009, Bloomberg News published an investigative report by David Evans reported, "Big Pharma’s Crime Spree"

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Criminal Drug Marketing Remains an Issue

September 8, 2009

Most of the media has focused on the $2.3 billion Department of Justice settlement with Pfizer for

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Is the Pfizer settlement with the US DOJ Punishment or a Gift?

July 29, 2009

In 2004, Pfizer settled an illegal Neurontin marketing case with the U.S. Justice Department for $430 million. 

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Pfizer-Neurontin Trial Testimony:”snake-oil list”

May 1, 2009

Following the Supreme Court decision in Wyeth v Levine, denying Wyeth’s argument that FDA approval preempts state

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FDA-US Justice Dept. Withdraw Amicus Brief in Colacicco v. Apotex Inc,

April 18, 2009

Upon receipt of a letter from Sen. Chuck Grassley, requesting disclosure of NAMI drug industry funding sources,

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Culling the $$$ Evidence: National Alliance for Mental Illness

February 27, 2009

The lid of another pharmaceutical company’s Pandora Box has been lifted: Lawyers agreed to unseal most AstraZeneca

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AstraZeneca: “Smoke-and-Mirror Job”

February 25, 2009

The battle over Seroquel documents in Orlando, Fla. continues to rage. Much like the battle over Eli

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Seroquel Litigation Documents–Sexual Exploitation