January 10, 2013

American men ranked last in life expectancy among the 17 countries in the study, and American women

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IOM Comparison Finds US Ranks Lowest in Health / Mortality

January 4, 2013

Commercially corrupted medicine is the leading cause of death in the US—and it is bankrupting the US

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Can Medical Research be Trusted?

January 1, 2013

Below is the latest in the Washington Post series–Can Medical Research be Trusted?  its focus is the

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Rising Painkiller Addiction Shows Damage From Drugmakers’ Role in Shaping Medical Opinion

November 13, 2012

Physicians at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center have taken a giant step toward stemming the tide of unconscionable

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Physicians Say NO to Prescription Drug Price Gouging

October 7, 2012

IV. What Do We Get for All That Money? According to the Kaiser Foundation:[1] The number of

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part II–What Do We Get for $$$ ?

September 21, 2012

The headline in The New York Times (Friday, Sept 21) “Reversing Trend, Life Span Shrinks for Some

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part I “The Whole System is Broken”

May 14, 2012

The proposed revisions to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association will continue the

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Vicissitudes of Psychiatry’s Diagnostic Manual Revisions

April 27, 2012

Three reports in this week’s New York Times document the magnitude of harm produced by America’s profit-driven,

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American Medicine-No Trace of Compassionate Care

April 11, 2012

The focus, in this instance, is not a therapeutic intervention, but rather a test using a radioactive

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Why Eli Lilly’s Alzheimer’s Imaging Test- Amyvid- Is NO Breakthrough

April 5, 2012

By some estimates, unnecessary medical treatment constitutes one-third of medical spending in the United States. Some doctors

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9 Medical Specialties Recommend Reducing 45 Tests

May 11, 2011

Antipsychotics are used primarily as chemical restraints to control behavior– not for any therapeutic, medically justifiable reason..

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US Inspector General Report: Antipsychotic Drug Hazards

April 13, 2011

A report in the April issue of Health Affairs indicates that one in three patients who are

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Patients in US Hospitals At High Risk of Harm from Professional Negligence

March 7, 2011

At long last Big Pharma’s ill-begotten profits are slated to take a major financial hit. * This

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This Year Alone, Drug Industry To Lose $50 billion