May 7

New AJOB InFocus article Examines Children in Clinical Research

New AJOB InFocus article Examines Children in Clinical Research

For immediate release
May 7, 2003

(Philadelphia, PA) — The comprehensive study by Vera Hassner Sharav, President, The Alliance for Human Research Protection, examines a wide range of clinical research trials conducted on children and the ethical conflicts that arise from the growing use of this vulnerable research population.  Providing first a valuable overview of the changing federal regulatory landscape, Ms. Sharav then focuses her analysis on the controversial psychoactive drug trials performed on both adults and children.  Readers will find the comprehensive list of reference sources, specifically the evidence-based reports addressing risk/benefit to patients, most useful in further research and analysis.

This new research article was published in late April by The American Journal of Bioethics, a peer reviewed journal of The MIT Press, fostering scholarly, interdisciplinary dialogue on current, controversial issues in bioethics.  

The article, CHILDREN IN CLINICAL RESEARCH: A CONFLICT OF MORAL VALUES, is available free as a printable .PDF file (Acrobat) at:

Letters to the Editor are welcome on this article, and can be submitted via email to Kelly Carroll, Executive Managing Editor, at (  For more information on this significant research article, please contact the author:

Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

The MIT Press has agreed to allow faculty and readers the unlimited right to print or xerox copies for teaching usage; hence the photo-quality PDF version rather than a regular “web” version, and hence the early posting.  With the continuing important debates on this issue, it seemed appropriate to us and to MIT to make this article freely available in advance.


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Kelly Carroll
Executive Managing Editor,
The American Journal of Bioethics

Center for Bioethics
University of Pennsylvania
3401 Market St., Suite 320
Philadelphia, PA  19104
(215) 573-8104 (phone)
(215) 573-3036 (fax)

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