June 21, 2010

CORRECTED/ REVISED This is a follow-up to our Infomail about the revelations in an investigative report by

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NIH Needs Sunshine Law Enforcement

April 20, 2009

ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION A catalyst for public debate 142 West End Avenue Suite 28P New

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AHRP Letter to Harvard Re: Dr. Biederman’s Research

April 27, 2008

  ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION www.ahrp.org 142 West End Avenue, Suite 28P New York, NY 10023

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Letter of Complaint Re: FDA Double Agent

November 6, 2006

A guest editorial in Psychiatry News, by the two psychiatrists who first blew the whistle on an

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Psychiatry News: High Cost of Nondisclosure

October 26, 2006

Infomail 2004 News Stories on Human Research Protection and Commentary by Vera Hassner Sharav Dec 31: FDA

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Infomail Archive

October 26, 2006

Senate Finance Committee Investigating FDA brain stimulation device approval – WSJ Thu, 19 May 2005 Another major

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Senate Finance Committee Investigating FDA brain stimulation device approval – WSJ

October 26, 2006

NIMH Offers Grants to Study SSRI relation to Suicidality_FDA to Examine SSRI- Suicide in Adults Mon, 14

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NIMH Offers Grants to Study SSRI relation to Suicidality – FDA to Examine SSRI- Suicide in Adults

October 26, 2006

Reply to the American College of Neuropharmacology’s Report on SSRI and Suicidal Behavior in Children Jonathan Leo,

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Reply to the ACNP’s Report on SSRI and Suicidal Behavior in Children – Leo

October 26, 2006

Lilly to Add Suicide Warning to Strattera – Medicaid May shrink $5.5 Billion spending on Schizophrenia Drug

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Lilly to Add Suicide Warning to Strattera – Medicaid May shrink $5.5 Billion spending on Schizophrenia Drug

October 26, 2006

ACNP Summary Report Criticized as “Junk Science” Sun, 25 Jan 2004 related links: Reply to ACNP Report

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ACNP Summary Report Criticized as "Junk Science"

October 26, 2006

Are SSRIs and Atypical Antidepressants Safe / Effective for Children / Adolescents/ Neonates? Wed, 2 Mar 2005

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Are SSRIs and Atypical Antidepressants Safe/ Effective for Children/ Adolescents/ Neonates?

October 26, 2006

20% Drop in Psych Drugs Prescribed for US Children – WashPost Sat, 8 Oct 2005 The Washington

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20% Drop in Psych Drugs Prescribed for US Children – WashPost

October 26, 2006

Advisory Committee tells FDA: strengthen warnings on SSRI drug labels now Wed, 4 Feb 2004 On February

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Advisory Committee tells FDA: strengthen warnings on SSRI drug labels now

October 26, 2006

Leading ADHD Researcher Blows Whistle on Concerta & CHADD Fri, 3 Dec 2004 A newly released report

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Leading ADHD Researcher Blows Whistle on Concerta & CHADD