October 26, 2006

How Did the Vioxx Debacle Happen? USA Today / Lancet Tue, 12 Oct 2004 Dr. Eric Topol

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How Did the Vioxx Debacle Happen? USA Today / Lancet

October 26, 2006

FDA Commissioner Nominee told Senate He’s Open to Independent Safety Unit / Biogen issues Avonex Warning Fri,

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FDA Commissioner Nominee told Senate He’s Open to Independent Safety Unit / Avonex Warning

October 26, 2006

Infomail 2005 News Stories on Human Research Protection and Commentary by Vera Hassner Sharav Subscribe to the

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Infomail Archive

October 26, 2006

Pfizer CEO earned $16 milion-72% Increase / V-P Tells Congress How to Save $37.8 billion in cost

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Pfizer CEO earned $16 milion – 72% Increase / V-P Tells Congress How to Save $37.8 billion in cost of drugs

October 26, 2006

Corporate Culture of Denial Results in Preventable Deaths Fri, 7 Jan 2005 Failure to disclose the hazardous

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Corporate Culture of Denial Results in Preventable Deaths

October 26, 2006

FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford Resigns – AP Fri, 23 Sep 2005 The Associated Press reports that the

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FDA Commissioner Lester Crawford Resigns – AP

October 26, 2006

Safety of American Drugs Questioned – Assoc Press Thu, 2 Dec 2004 In his CNN news program

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Safety of American Drugs Questioned – Assoc Press

October 26, 2006

FDA Critics Slam Plan for Safety Reform – Nature Thu, 17 Feb 2005 This is smoke and

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FDA Critics Slam Plan for Safety Reform – Nature

October 26, 2006

FDA Is Flexing Less Muscle where Safety is the Issue – Wash Post Thu, 18 Nov 2004

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FDA Is Flexing Less Muscle where Safety is the Issue – Wash Post

October 26, 2006

Cover Letter – AHRP Ethical and Scientific Objections to FDA’s Proposed Licensure of Anthrax Vaccine related links:

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Cover Letter – Comments to FDA Re Anthrax Vaccine

October 26, 2006

Daniel Troy Legacy: Public Virtually Defenseless against Unsafe Drugs Thu, 18 Nov 2004 The Associated Press reports

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Daniel Troy Legacy: Public Virtually Defenseless against Unsafe Drugs

October 26, 2006

Infomail 2005 News Stories on Human Research Protection and Commentary by Vera Hassner Sharav Subscribe to the

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Infomail Archive, 2005

October 26, 2006

FDA Orders Black Box Warnings on Antidepressants labels and Patient Information Guides to Warn about Suicide risk

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FDA Orders Black Box Warnings on Antidepressants labels and Patient Information Guides to Warn about Suicide risk

October 26, 2006

Ethical and Scientific Objections to FDA’s Proposed Licensure of Anthrax Vaccine Fri, 01 Apr 2005 Government agencies

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Ethical and Scientific Objections to FDA’s Proposed Licensure of Anthrax Vaccine