October 7, 2012

VIII. FDA is the pivotal regulatory gatekeeper entrusted with: “protecting the public health by assuring the safety

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part V–FDA Complicit in Crimes

October 7, 2012

IV. What Do We Get for All That Money? According to the Kaiser Foundation:[1] The number of

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part II–What Do We Get for $$$ ?

October 14, 2010

The FDA is currently not structured to ensure that drugs are safe or clinically valuable–as is its

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FDA: This Agency Can Be Dangerous_Marcia Angell

February 22, 2010

The New York Times reports (below) that in May 2007, days before his Avandia safety study was

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Avandia Face-Off_GSK–Dr. Steven Nissen

November 30, 2007

                                 ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION   www.ahrp.org 142 West End Avenue, Suite 28P New York, NY

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Letter of Complaint to FDA Commissioner, 2007

March 20, 2007

The prescription drug user fee act (PDUFA, 1992), which is up for renewalthis year, linked the Food

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The Damaging Impact of PDUFA and Why It Should be Repealed

December 19, 2006

A 5 minute video documentary, "Big Bucks, Big Pharma," posted on Google by Media Education Information, focuses

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“Big Bucks, Big Pharma” Video documentary

October 26, 2006

Submitted Testimony of Meryl Nass, MD Mount Desert Island Hospital Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 (207) 288-5082 ext.

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Nass – Senate Subcommittee on Bioterrorism & Public Health Preparedness – Biodefense

October 26, 2006


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The Impact of the FDA Modernization Act on the Recruitment of Children for Research

October 26, 2006

Submitted Testimony of Meryl Nass, MD Mount Desert Island Hospital Bar Harbor, Maine 04609 (207) 288-5082 ext.

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Nass – Senate Subcommittee on Bioterrorism & Public Health Preparedness – Biodefense

October 26, 2006

Another deadly drug recalled – FDA asks Congress for Power to Dictate Warnings Tue, 1 Mar 2005

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Another deadly drug recalled – FDA asks Congress for Power to Dictate Warnings

September 6, 2006

“Every prescription medicine you take is tested on humans before it’s approved for sale and use by

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PBS: “Bitter Pill” Based on Bloomberg Pharma’s Shameful Secret Report Airs on Friday 9/8

September 1, 2006

IIt all started with the passage of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act passed in 1992. "For

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Drug Firms Use Financial Clout To Push Industry Agenda at FDA

April 24, 2006

A highly critical report by the Government Accountability Office about FDA drug safety evaluation and monitoring found

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GAO Report Gives FDA Flunking Grade in Detecting Drug Dangers