October 26

Tim Russert of Meet the Press Has Been Deceived about Thimerasol

Tim Russert of Meet the Press Has Been Deceived about Thimerasol

Sun, 7 Aug 2005

FYI & Action

Deception appears to be the name of the game when the facts reveal that current medical practices are doing major harm to Ameerica’s children.

The media is often deceived by medical “experts” whose agenda the reporters don’t recognize.

NBC’s moderator, Tim Russert, appears to have been “had” when he accepted as Gospel what Dr. Feinberg’s false claim that since 2003 there has been no Thimerosal preservative used in any vaccines given to infants (other than flue vaccine).

FDA’s current table of vaccine contents calls the lie. See: www.FDA.gov/cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm

The latest table still lists Multiple dose DT by Aventis Pastuer ltd as fully preserved; 

TT vaccine is preserved with Thimerasol; Japanese encephalitis vaccine JE-VAC is thimerasol preserved; 

Meningococcal vaccine (Menomune) in multidose vials is preserved with Thirmerasol etc.

So, how can he say that there is no thirmerosal “as a preservative” in any vaccines.

Tim Russert’s effort to reassure parents that there is no longer any thimerasol in any vaccines was inappropriate–as it helps perpetrate deceptions.

21CFR610.15(A) is part of the Code of Federal regulations. It is a law and it is legally binding. It states that a manufacturer must prove that the component is “safe” before putting it into a vaccine as a preservative.

This SAFETY test has never been done. And FDA has never been taken to task for allowing preservatives that are known to cause neurological damage to be used in vaccines.

Below is a note from Dawn Winkler, Health Advocacy in the Public Interest whose own analysis proves that thimerosal is still in evidence in vaccines used on infants.

Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav

Dear Everyone:

I have called and emailed Meet the Press and let them know that according to our testing results from January of this year, there are vaccines that contained from .019 micrograms up to 66 micrograms per mL that either expired in 2005 or won’t expire until 2006.

I also let them know that the flu vaccine we tested that expired in June 2005 contained 48 micrograms per mL, or 24 micrograms per adult dose (and I assume 12 micrograms per adolescent dose) and that it is being used as a preservative.

I let them know that I can email or fax the test results to them.

We have many more vaccines that we could have tested but only a couple that expire in 2006. Many expired this year. If anyone can either obtain vaccines that are not yet expired that contain trace amounts of mercury or donate money to our testing project, please contact me as soon as possible. We are also willing to test older vaccines to document just how much was in there when the full amount was being used. We are now a 501c3 organization, donations are tax deductible.

Thank you.
Dawn Winkler
Executive Director
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest (HAPI)

NCOWmail@aol wrote:

Meet the Press, NBC, Sunday, 8/7/05

Tim Russert
more »  mtp@msnbc.com  

Meet the Press
more »  Meet the Press 

more »  Nightly@NBC
NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4426      

Mr. Russett was deceived on national TV by Dr. Feinberg with three words, “as a preservative”. Dr. Feinberg of IOM said that Thimerosal has been removed “as a preservative” from vaccines. And that by 2003 there were no more thimerasol “preserved” vaccines.

What he did not say, is Thimerosal may have been removed “as a preservative” but has not been removed as a “sterilizer”. It is still in many vaccines in trace amounts.

Russett repeated the sound bite as he “thought” he heard it…and as he came to “understand” the sound bite. At the conclusion of the show, Russett’s final words were to assure parents that that there is no Thimerasol in the vaccines. Mr. Russet was manipulated and deceived by the deceptive languaging as is the public who comes to the same conclusion.

This email contains an attachment from the FDA website that proves there is still Thimerasol in vaccines. Please download and fax en masse to Mr. Russett and Meet the Press.

Parents who have proof that their child was injected by a vaccine containing thimerasol after 2003: whether it be at “preservative levels” or trace amounts must send in their proof documentation to the NBC FAX number or mailing address provided below.

Those involved in State and National bills, please FAX or Mail the bills reflecting that the law allows trace amounts…noting that it is because thimerasol is still in the vaccines, abeit trace amounts. Please note to mention: Illinois new legislation allows mercury to be in vaccines under bioterrorism and emergency conditions. That is because, according to new Congressional legislation, the taxpayers will pay to stockpile vaccines for bioterrorism emergencies, therefore purchasing the antiquated thimerasol vaccines so that the vaccine manufacturer doesn’t lose money while the taxpayers pay, by legislation, to “update” their vaccine facilities to a process that will not use mercury. State legislation timeline that for 2008. Thimerasol is still in vaccines.

Others may point out that both Feinberg and CDC director Julie Gerberding and purposely use deceptive languaging…the CDC official sound bites “We have removed Thimerasol as a preservative in all children’s vaccines”

This languaging is meant to control the public and succeed in deceiving Mr. Russet.

As we all know: Thimerosal may have been removed “as a preservative” but has not been removed as a sterilizer. It is still there in many vaccines in “trace amounts” as reflected and referred to in the various State and National bills.

Mr. Russet was purposedly deceived by Dr. Feinberg as was intended and repeated that deception on National TV however, without using the words “as a preservative” which means that Mr. Russet demonstrated very clearly how this deception works on the public.

And PS. Why did David Kirby not point this deception out and let both Feinberg and Russett get a way with the deception?

Tim Russert

Meet the Press
more »  Meet the Press 

more »  Nightly@NBC
NBC News
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4426      
Eileen Dannemann
Director, National Coalition of Organized Women
917 804-0786

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