March 28

Aug. 25, 2006: Defense Department Inspector General Review of Detainee Abuse

The DoD Inspector General Review of Investigations of Detainee Abuse focuses on “reports, investigations, and reviews of matters involving persons who were in custody of the U.S. military, without regard to the status of the person in custody… As of February 27, 2006, DoD Components opened 842 criminal investigations or inquiries into allegations of detainee and prisoner abuse.”

“Multiple DoD organizations planned and executed diverse interrogation operations without clearly defined command relationships, common objectives, and a common understanding of interrogation guidance… Counter-resistance interrogation techniques migrated to Iraq, in part, because operations personnel believed that traditional interrogation techniques were no longer effective for all detainees. In addition, policy for and oversight of interrogation procedures were ineffective. As a result, interrogation techniques and procedures used exceeded the limits established in the Army Field Manual 34-52, “Intelligence Interrogation,” September 28, 1992.

“as of May 2005, the United States had eight theater-level holding facilities, and coalition forces had five facilities in Iraq; two theater-level holding facilities and 20 Forward Operating Bases in Afghanistan; and one facility at Guantanamo Bay. Further, U.S. military and security forces detained over 70,000 individuals since military operations began in Afghanistan on October 7, 2001.”

The report cites several military Field Manuals which “expressly prohibit inhumane treatment and warns that the use of torture by US personnel will bring discredit upon the US and its forces, while undermining domestic and international support for the war effort.”  And it cites the Geneva Conventions.  And it reiterates the definition of torture, clearly disavowing the “Yoo /Bybee memos.”

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