FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Children’s Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability 

On October 19th and 20th, 2022 ACIP, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, met and voted unanimously to add the experimental covid “vaccine” to the list of CDC recommended vaccines for children. 

  • The ACIP panel did so in the absence of any data to support a medical justification for the exposure of children to the documented hazards of these injections. 
  • The ACIP panel cast their vote without having examined any safety data. 
  • And they disregarded the thousands of public comments in opposition because of the serious risks for children.

The ACIP panel failed entirely to consider the life-shortening health risks that millions of children would be exposed to

  • The ACIP panel apparently followed FDA directive and disregarded urgent concerns about the accumulating clinical and scientific evidence of harm caused by these experimental, injectable gene-altering medical products. 
  • The ACIP members failed to consider reports of serious harm – including cardiac arrest– that these products have produced. 
  • The severe adverse health outcomes are documented in CDC’s V-Safe database.  
  • The ACIP panel ignored the mounting evidence of deaths, miscarriages, and irreversible life-changing harm following the experimental mRNA injections. 
  • The ACIP panel ignored the evidence in Pfizer’s own clinical trial data — prior to the mass vaccination; they rendered their unflinching, unanimous vote to subject infants and children. 
  • A public commenter was cut off after invoking the Nuremberg tribunal – which had invalidated the specious defense “I was following orders…” Doctors were held responsible for crimes against humanity!

The ACIP panel ignored the public testimony, by Janine Small, Pfizer President of International Developed Markets in Covid, who acknowledged, on October 18, 2022, that Pfizer’s experimental Covid mRNA injections were not tested to determine whether they prevent infection.

In fact, these experimental gene altering injectables do not protect against infection nor against transmission of infection; and they do not provide immunity from re-infection.  Therefore, these injectables do not meet the very definition of a vaccine

That same day, EURONOMO published the latest mortality data for infants and children up to age 14. EURONOMO monitors excess deaths related to public health threats and records the official national mortality statistics provided weekly by 29 European countries. 

Hervè Seligmann is a scientist whose research focuses on Genetics, Gene Transfer RNA, and Genetic code, who closely follows Israeli and European Covid data.

  • These injections do not provide any protection for children, while putting children’s lives at risk. 

CDC director, Rochelle Walensky, disregarded all the accumulated evidence of harm; and within minutes after the ACIP vote, issued a recommendation to add the Covid vaccines to the children’s schedule. 

  • What are the most likely factors that led FDA and CDC officials to rush through an irresponsible, and hasty vote to recommend that the least tested, most controversial, experimental misnamed Covid “vaccine” be added to the children’s vaccine schedule? 
  • Why was there such haste to recommend these products for the children’s schedule —
  • Likely answer: Under the emergency use authorization covid vaccines are exempt from liability— only as long as the emergency exists.
    However, once a vaccine is added to the CDC Children’s recommended vaccination list, these products will have complete immunity liability indefinitely—no matter how many children are harmed. 

The indemnity from liability for vaccines listed on the CDC children’s schedule provides the manufacturer, distributor, and medical professionals administering the shot a perpetual shield from any resulting injuries or deaths. 

Inasmuch as many states base their vaccination mandates for school attendance on CDC recommendation, pharmaceutical companies have been given the most powerful lobbying weapon in history. They have worked strategically in coordination with local, state, and federal public health agencies to apply and enforce mandates for their liability- free products. 

  • Essentially, the CDC-recommended children’s vaccine schedule is a license to kill children with impunity.

The mass Covid vaccination campaign was initiated without scientific evidence — neither evidence of safety nor evidence of efficacy.

On Sept. 22, 2020, an OpEd in The New York Times by Peter Doshi and Eric Topol cautioned that: 

These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know. We may not find out whether the vaccines prevent moderate or severe cases of Covid-19.”

In October 2020, Peter Doshi wrote in the BMJ

“None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”

On Nov. 9, 2020, CNN Business reported:

Pfizer’s encouraging news about the effectiveness of its Covid-19 vaccine came nearly a week after Election Day. But Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla says the timing had nothing to do with politics.”

Pfizer’s leaked Covid Vaccine contract with Slovania, dated September 28, 2021, refutes Bourla’s widely advertised claim of 95% efficacy. The contract acknowledges that the company did not perform either safety or efficacy tests:  

“long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.

The ACIP panel, FDA and CDC officials ignored the mounting evidence of deaths, miscarriages, and irreversible life-changing harm following the experimental mRNA injections. The clinical evidence confirms Pfizer’s own clinical trial data prior to the mass vaccination.

The Pfizer Covid Vaccine Documents Reveal

The FDA sought to protect Pfizer and its own culpability by insisting on a 75-year shield to conceal the Pfizer documents submitted to the FDA. However, Pfizer and the FDA were foiled by federal judge Mark Pittman who, in January 2022, ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer -COVID vaccine documents. 

The thousands of documents that have been released are being examined by thousands of scientists and analysts who periodically inform the public about the contents. Since the medical journals are closed to reports that contradict the “safe and effective” vaccine mantra, the findings are broadcast through alternative internet and independent social media platforms – including substacks, video interviews.  

When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware that there were 158,000 adverse events during the trial.
Pfizer Covid vaccine has 1,291 side effects reveals official documents, RT Staff Reporters, March 7, 2022

The data contradict the safety claims made by the CDC and questionable published reports.Although pregnant women were excluded from the human trials, 270 women got pregnant during the Pfizer study. The data on the pregnancy outcomes of 234 were somehow “lost” by the FDA. Of the 36 pregnant women whose outcomes were followed, 28 lost their babies.

According to Pfizer documents submitted to the FDA, one baby reportedly died after nursing from a vaccinated lactating mother and was found to have had an inflamed liver. Many nursing babies whose mothers were vaccinated showed agitation, gastrointestinal distress, and failure to thrive (to grow), and were inconsolable.


Below is a Short list of reports and Video interviews with numerous scientists, doctors, and savvy critical analysts, who have examined the Pfizer documents. Their analyses and reports are being suppressed by the mainstream medical establishment and their media propagandists. What’s more they are being hounded by the corporate “Fact-Checkers”:

Meryl Nass Substack

Meryl Nass Anthrax Vaccine Posts

Meryll Nass: Pfizer and FDA documents contradict official vaccine safety narrative – Is this fraud?“It is not enough for Fauci and Walensky to lose their jobs [see Sen. Rand Paul files amendment to prevent rise of another pandemic “dictator in chief”]. They must be put in prison for leading to the death and permanent injuries of people who trusted their “expert advise” on vaccines and COVID policies.”

Pfizer hired 600 people (FTEs) to deal with the huge amount of adverse event reports coming in during the first 2-3 months of the vaccine rollout

Official documents reveal huge gap between what FDA and Pfizer would attest to, compared to what the public was told about the vaccine

What Are They Hiding?

—Dr. Robert Malone on the Pfizer Documents and Evidence of Cardiotoxicity, Birth Defects, and the Rise in All-Cause Mortality

Naomi Wolf. “Pfizer Hid, They Concealed. They Redacted.” And The FDA Knew!
The AMA Lied To Pregnant Women About How Covid Vaccines Effect Them & Their Babies

The Vaccine Bioweapon & Suppression Of Harm To Women (Includes Edward Dowd’s Stats)

Denmark Halts Covid Vaccination Of Low-Risk People Under 50

Grand Jury Investigation Demanded For Criminal Fraud & Willful Misconduct By The CDC
Naomi Wolf Report 39: Data Do Not Support Safety of mRNA COVID Vaccination for Pregnant Women.

Naomi Wolf & Dr. Robert Chandler: How Pfizer Hurt Women’s Reproductive & Sexual Health 

COVID-19 Vaccines Are Causing Terrifying, Unnatural Formations In Women’s Reproductive Systems 

Pfizer’s Diabolical, CCP-Connected Lies & Conflicts Of Interest 

“These [People] Are Monsters!” – Miscarriages Listed As Adverse Events That Were Resolved! 

Twitter Censoring Life-Saving Data: Pfizer Vaccine Caused Large Numbers Of Spontaneous Abortions! 

Naomi Wolf Describes Escalating Legal Actions Against FDA, CDC & Pfizer

Parents Were Not Told Of Known Heart Risks To Teens Until After Thousands Of Kids Were Injected

“28% Of Vaccinated Pregnant Women” Suffered “Serious Adverse Effects” 

Summary Of Horrific Discoveries From Pfizer Data Dump 

Baby Deaths Skyrocketing Among Fully Vaccinated Mothers

There Is Something Wrong With The Breast Milk Of Vaccinaed Mothers!

How Pregnant Women Have Been Victimized By Pfizer Vaccines!

COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions, Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)

Pfizer Documents Reveal Staggering Drop In Male Fertility From The Covid Vaccine 

“This Is Premeditated Manslaughter Of Millions Of People Coordinated At The Highest Levels”

COVID Tipping Points & Pfizer Document Dump: “This Is A Mass Murder Event!”

More “Crimes Against Humanity” In Pfizer Study

Where Is Tony Fauci? Is He In The Witness Protection Program?

The Bodies Of Others: The New Authoritarians, Covid-19 And The War Against The Human (Book) By Naomi Wolf 

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