March 7

Mercury Crimes at CDC

A new study published (3/1/06) shows that the rate of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs) in children has decreased following removal of thimerosal, a preservative containing the neurotoxin mercury, from American childhood vaccines. The study, published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, a peer reviewed journal, by Dr. Mark Geier and David Geier examined two independent databases maintained by the government – one national and one state. The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database maintained by the Centers for Disease Control and the Californian Department of Developmental Services (CDDS) database each showed the same downward trend for the period from 2002 through 2005. According to the study "[t]he results indicate that the trends in newly diagnosed NDs correspond directly with the expansion and subsequent contraction of the cumulative mercury dose to which children were exposed from [thimerosal-containing vaccines] through the U.S. immunization schedule." (Find full study at:

Newly uncovered 1999 documents–obtained under the Freedom of Information Act–raise the specter of criminal misconduct by officials of the Center for Diseaese Control who behind the scenes discouraged vaccine manufacturers from producing Thimirosal-free vaccines.

In an OpEd published by Arianna Huffington, Robert Kennedy, Jr. discloses that the documents, correspondence between SmithKline Beecham (SB), now GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), vaccine manufacturer, and the CDC reveal that in July 1999, SB offered to produce a non-Thimerosal DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccine immediately– and that it has sufficient inventories to supply the entire U.S. market during the remainder of 1999 and the first half of 2000, by which time other vaccine manufacturers would have their Thimerosal-free DTP vaccines on line.    “However, in November, CDC mysteriously sent a letter back rejecting SmithKline’s offer."
See SmithKline Beecham letter
See CDC response:

 "On July 14, 2000 CDC published a deceptive press release promising to require that all vaccines be Thimerosal-free as soon as "adequate supplies are available." However, this was a full 12 months after the agency had denied SmithKline’s proposal.”

An article in International Veritas Medicine provides some sobering information:
“A critical point which is never mentioned by those advocating mandatory vaccination of children is that children’s health has declined significantly since 1960 when vaccines began to be widely used. According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted annually by the National Center for Health Statistics since 1957, a shocking 31% of U.S. children today have a chronic health problem, 18% of children require special health care or related services and 6.7% of children have a significant disability due to a chronic physical or mental condition. Respiratory allergies, asthma and learning disabilities are the most common of these,” wrote Philip Incao, M.D.

He continued, “Since vaccinations have a lasting effect on the immune system, and since it is known that many vaccines shift the balance of the immune system away from its acutely-reacting "Th1" side and toward its chronically-reacting "Th2" side it is a very plausible scenario that vaccines are contributing greatly to the large-scale and unprecedented increase in chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes and a wide range of neurological dysfunctions including learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, seizures and autism in U.S. children today.”  

Consider this:  "A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the equivalent of giving a 180 lb. adult 30 vaccinations on the same day."

See: Multiple Vaccinations: When truth is absent in medicine children suffer and sometimes die.

"It is very easy to hurt babies but doctors do not seem to notice that they are harming newborns and infants with their childhood immunization programs. There is no changing the fact that babies are highly vulnerable sensitive feeling beings yet most of the medical profession that deals with them is so cut off from the heart that they wonder what all the crying is about when they hold kids down and inject them with a fluid that kills some of them and harms many more."

But "Doctors, extremely secure and confident in their procedures, have decade-by-decade intensified their interference with natural childhood development sequences without regard to serious deleterious outcomes or effects. Pediatricians have even found it perfectly safe to inject toxic chemicals like mercury and aluminum into babies expecting to find no reactions or problems. These and other dangerous compounds are characteristically found in all vaccines."

"What should we do with baby doctors who are deliberately hurting and even killing their young charges? Is there anything worse then medical arrogance when babies die? The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) finally admitted that autism is an epidemic at the end of 2005 yet medical officials are still scratching their heads as to why a million kids have come down with autism in the last fifteen years. Heads will roll and hundreds of billions will flow when they finally admit that vaccines are directly causing this pandemic of misery."
See: Childhood Immunization:

Robert Kennedy Jr, writing in Rolling Stones, cited other evdence linking the rise in neurological disorders such as autism in children to vaccines laced with Thimerosal. He cited that the huge increase in the number of diagnosed cases in countries new to vaccination :  "In China, where the disease was virtually unknown prior to the introduction of thimerosal by U.S. drug manufacturers in 1999, news reports indicate that there are now more than 1.8 million autistics. Although reliable numbers are hard to come by, autistic disorders also appear to be soaring in India, Argentina, Nicaragua and other developing countries that are now using thimerosal-laced vaccines." This, he says, is because  "the government continues to ship vaccines preserved with thimerosal to developing countries — some of which are now experiencing a sudden explosion in autism rates."
See: Deadly Immunity: the government cover-up of a mercury/autism scandal, Rolling Stones, 1995

Citing the Washington Post, Veritas Medicine notes:
“One of every dozen U.S. children and teenagers — 5.2 million — has a physical or mental disability, according to new figures from the 2000 Census. The figures covered children ages 5 to 20. For people of all ages, the census counted 50 million disabled nationally, and more than 740,000 in the Washington area. Specialists say the census numbers probably understate the disability rate by not including people with mild problems.” See: Cohn, D’Vera – Washington Post – U.S. Counts One in 12 Children As Disabled   

"It is not a far fetched idea that vaccines, which  have been increasing in number, and given simultaneously  are at the heart of medical catastrophe."

Those responsible (according to Veritas Medicine and other critics) include: The IOM, CDC, AMA, AAP, WHO, UNICEF and the FDA.
They "are proving to be incompetent and untrustworthy in the areas of immunization, and have endangered the health of the nation and the world. In a disaster of medical ideology over reality, medical officials, true believers in pharmaceutically based medicine, show that they know everything better than everybody else, and the arrogance born of that certainty has led, step by tragic step, to the present situation where infants are bombarded with toxic chemicals injected one after another in a brutal attack on their young immune systems. This medical arrogance has locked the entire medical establishment around the world into a pre-emptive war on the health of children while slapping contempt on any physician or scientist that is courageous enough to stand in their way."

Robert Kennedy, Jr also accuses the CDC of putting the business interests of vaccine manufacturers ahead of the lives of babies:
 "The big consideration was cost," says the federal health official. "A lot of CDC’s friends in the vaccine industry had stockpiled Thimerosal-based vaccines. If they couldn’t sell them the costs would total in the tens of millions of dollars."

Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Time for CDC to Come Clean
Wed Mar 1, 12:10 AM ET

Correspondence newly obtained under the Freedom of Information Act raises troubling new questions about CDC’s role in the Thimerosal scandal. Thimerosal is the mercury-based vaccine preservative that has been linked to epidemics of neurological disorders, including autism, in American children born after 1989.

Responding to scientific studies linking dangerous levels of mercury to a range of health disorders, the CDC in July 1999 recommended that the nation’s vaccine makers eliminate Thimerosal as a preservative, "as soon as possible."

But the newly released documents show that behind the scenes CDC was quietly discouraging Thimerosal’s removal. In a July 1999 letter, vaccine producer SmithKline Beecham tells CDC that it is ready to produce non-Thimerosal DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccines immediately and has sufficient inventories to supply the entire U.S. market during the remainder of 1999 and the first half of 2000, by which time other vaccine manufacturers would have their Thimerosal-free DTP vaccines on line.

Thimerosal-laden DTP vaccines containing 25 micrograms of mercury apiece were then being administered to American infants at two months, four months and six months — far exceeding EPA’s recommended safe level for mercury. Had CDC accepted SmithKline’s offer, it could have immediately reduced the mercury exposures to vaccinated six-month-old children by 40%.

However, in November, CDC mysteriously sent a letter back rejecting SmithKline’s offer. Then, on July 14, 2000 CDC published a deceptive press release promising to require that all vaccines be Thimerosal-free as soon as "adequate supplies are available." This was a full 12 months after the agency had denied SmithKline’s proposal.

"If CDC were basing its decision on safety alone, it would have taken SmithKline up on its offer. That’s a no-brainer," said a federal health official who requested anonymity. "So there were other considerations beside safety that were guiding their decision making."

Among these "other considerations" were CDC’s important concerns for the preservation of the vaccine program, a bureaucratic impulse for self-preservation, and protecting the economic interests of its vaccine industry friends.

"Immediate withdrawal would send a strong message; ‘We messed up!’" the health official told me. "And I don’t think they wanted to send that message to parents, the public or those considering legal action."

"There was also concern," says the federal official, "that an immediate withdrawal might discredit the international vaccine programs for which CDC is an important partner." The World Health Organization has urged CDC against the banning of Thimerosal in U.S. vaccines since that prohibition might discredit WHO’s third world inoculation programs. WHO, with U.S. funding, is now injecting children in developing countries with the same amounts of Thimerosal we were giving American kids at their highest exposures, but in a shorter time period. In May 2001, WHO committed to "develop a strong advocacy campaign to support the ongoing use of Thimerosal."

But CDC insiders argue that CDC’s primary concern was the economic impacts on its pharmaceutical industry partners. "The big consideration was cost," says the federal health official. "A lot of CDC’s friends in the vaccine industry had stockpiled Thimerosal-based vaccines. If they couldn’t sell them the costs would total in the tens of millions of dollars."

On July 14, 2000 CDC promised to complete the transition to Thimerosal-free vaccines for children by first quarter 2001. But, probably for the reasons stated above, its commitment sometimes seems half-hearted. CDC continues to promote the use of Thimerosal in vaccines. The agency continues to send its top spokesman Roger Bernier around the country to testify before state legislatures to derail state efforts to ban Thimerosal in vaccines. Last week Bernier was testifying against a proposed Thimerosal ban in Maryland.

CDC continues to exert muscular efforts to derail studies of American cohorts — the Amish, Christian Scientists, and home-schooled children — who were not exposed to Thimerosal vaccines. Preliminary studies of these groups indicate very low levels of the neurological disorders, including autism, that have been associated with Thimerosal in vaccinated populations.

It’s time for the CDC to come clean with the American public. Its tactics of deception and obfuscation are jeopardizing the credibility of the entire vaccine program, and therefore posing an enormous danger to public health.

Copyright © 2006 All rights reserved

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Childhood Immunization:  Vaccines – Autism – Mercury – Medicine

    The hours, days and months following birth are undoubtedly the most critical phases in the life of human beings. Health and medical officials long ago decided that they knew best what should be done to children and many have made fortunes and careers out of this work. It is not by chance that infants are routinely disturbed physiologically and psychologically by medical interventions administered from the first moments of life.

The incidence of childhood asthma, diabetes, and
autoimmune diseases has doubled during the past 20 years;
 Attention Deficit Disorder has tripled, Autism has increased 600%.  What part have vaccines played?             Stanley Monteith, M.D.

     Doctors, extremely secure and confident in their procedures, have decade-by-decade intensified their interference with natural childhood development sequences without regard to serious deleterious outcomes or effects. Pediatricians have even found it perfectly safe to inject toxic chemicals like mercury and aluminum into babies expecting to find no reactions or problems. These and other dangerous compounds are characteristically found in all vaccines.[1]

My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the  age of five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her
second Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms.
Little did I imagine as she gazed  intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of
 a newborn child that she would die that night.[2]

     Dr. Dennis Charney, a psychiatrist and director of clinical neuroscience at the National Center at Yale University tells us that, “It does not matter if it was the incessant terror of combat, torture, or repeated abuse in childhood, or a one-time experience. All uncontrollable stress can have the same biological impact.”[3] The operative word here is uncontrollable. The key psychological aspect of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is helplessness, the feeling that you are being threatened or your life is in danger and there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid it.
Immobilization with fear elicits profound, potentially lethal,
 physiological changes (i.e., dramatic slowing of heart rate,
 cessation of breathing, and dropping of blood pressure).          Dr. Stephen Porges

 It is very easy to hurt babies but doctors do not seem to notice that they are harming newborns and infants with their childhood immunization programs. There is no changing the fact that babies are highly vulnerable sensitive feeling beings yet most of the medical profession that deals with them is so cut off from the heart that they wonder what all the crying is about when they hold kids down and inject them with a fluid that kills some of them and harms many more.

Mercury is a poison and it is a miracle all the kids do not fall into serious illness when injected with this potent neurotoxin.

     Harris Coulter PhD. said, “The manufacturers of vaccines and the pediatricians who administer them are simply unwilling to criticize their source of livelihood. Vaccinations provide such a large proportion of their livelihood that without them they would have to change occupation and practice another specialty.”

The pediatrician whom I so respected and adored broke down  and cried when I gave her the news that my daughter had died.
She went back and forth defending the vaccine that she was told was safe, but blamed it for killing my child.  She then told me that she also had
 another patient, an infant boy, die after this same vaccination.            Christine Colebeck[4]

     The horrible truth is that our precious pure ones are being hurt by human hands, by doctors and nurses, and by health authorities that think nothing of injecting little children with known poisons. What is happening is most reprehensible yet the medical authorities persist to the end insisting that serous reactions to vaccines are rare meaning they are perfectly safe.[5]

 “I can assure you that death from vaccination is neither quick nor painless.
 I helplessly watched my daughter suffer an excruciatingly slow death  as she screamed and arched her back in pain, while the vaccine
 did as it was intended to do and assaulted her immature immune system.
 The poisons used as preservatives seeped through her tiny body,  overwhelming her vital organs one by one until they collapsed.
 It is an image that will haunt me forever and I hope no other parent ever has to witness it.
A death sentence considered too inhumane for  this county’s most violent criminals was handed down to my
 beautiful, innocent, infant daughter, death by lethal injection.”              
      Christine Colebeck [6]  whose daughter died twenty-four hours  after receiving DPT OPV vaccinations

     Most physicians can hardly believe that vaccines can kill or seriously injure children so they keep on giving more as the American and international health authorities continue to increase the number of vaccines.

TABLE 1. Number of Vaccines and Possible Number of Injections Over the Past 100 Years[7]

     Children without doubt find vaccination a traumatic experience though it seems as if most would get over it quickly. The past fifteen years, though, have brought on a new level of experience that is beginning to challenge this assumption. Biological changes are increasingly being noticed by a wide range of healthcare practitioners as the general state of health declines (in this most recent generation).[8] Many are pointing the finger more and more at the dramatic increase of vaccines administered to children and to the toxic chemicals used in them as preservatives and adjuncts. Infants, especially in the United States, are routinely given a combination of 8 powerful drugs at the same time without any assurance of the safety of such practices. All because pediatricians are worried that they cannot get parents to bring their children in on enough different occasions.
The underlying common denominator in chronic neurodegenerative disease seems to be either decreasing vascular supply (less blood
 to the brain) or accumulation of heavy metals, specifically mercury.                                   Dr Rashid Butta


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