September 5

Part 7. The WHO’s Draft Pandemic Treaty Incentivizes Gain-of-Function Research (From “The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics”)

Part 7. The WHO’s Draft Pandemic Treaty Incentivizes Gain-of-Function Research. *This is a Euphemism for Bioweapons Proliferation

What else is in the Treaty? Gain-of-Function research (designed to make microorganisms more transmissible or more pathogenic) is explicitly incentivized by the treaty. The treaty demands that administrative hurdles to such research must be minimized, while unintended consequences (aka pandemics) should be prevented. 

Draft page 14: 

But the problem is that you cannot prevent escapes and unintended consequences when you perform this type of research.  Leaks and losses of agents will always occur.  Smallpox leaked out of British labs several times. After the same lab caused two smallpox outbreaks, the scientist responsible for the lab committed suicide in 1980.  There were six identified lab escapes of SARS-1 in China, Singapore and Taiwan in 2003 and 2004.

The joint CDC-USDA Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP) keeps track of research on designated potential pandemic pathogens, including for example, SARS coronaviruses, anthrax and Ebola.  As the FSAP describes itself,

“The Federal Select Agent Program oversees the possession, use and transfer of biological select agents and toxins, which have the potential to pose a severe threat to public, animal or plant health or to animal or plant products.”

FSAP reports reveal that there are about 200 accidents or escapes yearly from labs situated in the US.  (There is no accounting of accidents outside the US.)  The FSAP annual report for 2021 notes: 

In 2021, FSAP received 8 reports of losses, 177 reports of releases, and no reports of thefts.”

While scientists do their best to protect themselves and maintain lab safety, research on deadly pathogens simply cannot be performed without risks both to the researchers and the outside world.


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