November 18

Holocaust Bibliography of Recent Scholarly Publications

A Holocaust Crossroads: Jewish Women and Children in Ravensbrück, edited by Irith Dublon Knebel, 2010

Harmut Hanauske-Abel. Not a Slippery Slope or Sudden Subversion: German Medicine and National Socialism in 1933, BMJ, 1996

Yehuda G. Adam. Justice in Nuremberg: The Doctors’ Trial – 60 Years Later A Reminder, Israeli Medical Association Journal, 2007

Betty Adelson. The Lives of Dwarfs: Their Journey from Public Curiosity Toward Social Liberation, 2005;

Judith Buber Agassi. Jewish Women Prisoners of Ravensbrück: Who Were They? 2008

Leo Alexander. “Medical Science under Dictatorship.” New England Journal of Medicine 40, 1949

Götz Aly. Hitler’s Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State, 2007;
Götz Aly. The Planning Intelligentsia and the ‘Final Solution in The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath, 2000;
Götz Aly. Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene, 1994

Anatomy in the Third Reich Edited by Sabine Hildebrandt and Christoph Redies, Annals of Anatomy, 2012 

George Annas. The Legacy of the Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial to American Bioethics and Human Rights, Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology, 2007

Jeanne Armstrong. Community, Survival and Witnessing in Ravensbruck, 2011)

Atrocities on Trial Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes Edited by Patricia Heberer and Jürgen Matthä, 2008; Introduction

Jeremiah A. Barondess. “Medicine Against Society.” JAMA, 1996

Naomi Baumslag. Murderous Medicine — Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus, 2005.

Emily Bazelon. The Nazi Anatomists: How the Corpses of Hitler’s Victims Are Still Haunting Modern Science—and American Abortion Politics, Slate, 2013

Susan Benedict. Roles of physicians and nurses in the “medical” experiments Related to “racial hygiene”. In Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust, ed. By Sheldon Rubenfeld and Susan Benedict, 2014

Mario Biagioli, “Science, Modernity, and the ‘Final Solution’,” in Saul Friedländer (ed.), Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the “Final Solution”, 1992

Edwin Black. The Story of the New Jersey Doctor Who Helped Kill Prisoners at Buchenwald…War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, 2003;
Edwin BlackIBM and the Holocaust , 2001       

Roy Lavon Brooks. When Sorry Isn’t Enough: The Controversy Over Apologies and Reparations for Human Injustice, 1999

Christopher R. Browning.  The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942. Comprehensive History of the Holocaust, 2004.

Child Murder and “Special Children’s Wards” in Nazi Europe:  Commemoration and Historical Research. Ed by Lutz Kaelber and Raimond Reiter. Hamburg 2011. “Am Spiegelgrund”

Tessa Chelouche and Geoffrey Brahmer.  Casebook on Bioethics and the Holocaust. Israel National Commission for UNESCO, 2013

Tom Clark. “The Beautiful Beast”: Why Was Irma Grese Evil? Working paper for the Dept. of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, 2012

Sebastian Conrad. German Colonialism: A Short History, 2012 [includes an annotated critical bibliography.]

Herwig Czech. Abusive Medical Practices on “Euthanasia” Victims in Austria During and After WWII. In Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust. ed. By Sheldon Rubenfeld and Susan Benedict, 2014

Deadly Medicine. US. Holocaust Memorial Museum Exhibition, 2004Women in the Holocaust, Harmut Hanauske-Abel, Sarah Helm,

Elfing-Haar. First of three Bavarian children killing centers operated between Oct. 1940 –1945.

Edzard Ernst, MD, PhD Killing In The Name Of Healing: The Active Role Of The German Medical Profession During The Third Reich, American Journal of Medicine, 1996 cited by Michael Greger, MD. Nazi Doctors   

Richard Evans. The Third Reich in History and Memory, 2015
Richard Evans. The Third Reich At War, 2010
Richard Evans. The Third Reich At War (2008)
Richard Evans. The Third Reich in Power (2005);
Richard Evans. The Coming of the Third Reich (2003)

Mareike Fallet and Simone Kaiser. Concentration Camp Bordellos: “The Main Thing Was to Survive it All,” Der Spiegel, 2009

Henry Friedlander. The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution, 1995;
Henry Friedlander.  Physicians as Killers in Nazi Germany: Hadamar, Treblinka and Auschwitz, in Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Edited by Francis R. Nicosia, Jonathan Huener, 2004; Obituary, Jewish Daily Forward, 2012

Saul Friedländer. Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945:Vol. I: The Years of Persecution, 1997;
Saul Friedländer Vol. II: The Years of Extermination Nazi German and the Jews, 1939-1945, 2007

Jarek Gajewski: Ravensbrück 74 Cases of Medical Experiments Conducted on Polish Political Prisoners is maintained at the University of Toronto

Peter Norbert Gengler. Exhibiting Antifascism: Ravensbrück And The Ambivalences Of East German Commemoration, 1945-1989, a thesis, University of North Carolina, 2013)

German Guidelines on Human Experimentation, 1931. Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Ed. Warren T Reich

Harmut Hanauske-Abel. Not a Slippery Slope or Sudden Subversion: German Medicine and National Socialism in 1933, BMJ, 1996

Victoria Gil. Victims of the Nazi Anatomists, BBC, Jan. 27, 2013

Myrna Goldenberg, “Memoirs of Auschwitz Survivors,” in Women in the Holocaust, edited by Dalia Ofer and Lenore J Weitzman, 1998

Atina Grossmann. A Question of Silence: The Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers, October, Vo. 72, Berlin 1945: War and Rape, 1995 (published by MIT Press)

Allan Hall. Nazi women exposed as every bit as bad as Hitler’s deranged male followers, The Daily Mail, February 11, 2009

Harmut Hanauske-Abel. Not a Slippery Slope or Sudden Subversion: German Medicine and National Socialism in 1933, BMJ, 1996

Sarah Helm. Ravernsbrück: Life and Death in Hitler’s Concentration Camp for Women, 2015; excerpts

Sabine Hildebrandt. The Anatomy of Murder: Ethical Transgressions…, 2016;
Sabine Hildebrandt. Transgression: Anatomical Research in National Socialism. In Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust, ed. By Sheldon Rubenfeld and Susan Benedict, 2014;
Sabine Hildebrandt. Anatomy in the Third Reich Special Issue. Edited by Sabine Hildebrandt and Christoph Redies, Annals of Anatomy, 2012
Sabine Hildebrandt. The women on Stieve’s list, Clinical Anatomy, 2013;
Sabine Hildebrandt. Anatomischer Anzeiger Volume 194, Special Issue, June 2012;
Sabine Hildebrandt. Continuing Impact of the Pernkopf Debate, Clinical Anatomy, 2006

Gerrit Hoehendorf and Maike Rotzoll. Medical Research and National Socialist Euthanasia: Carl Schneider and the Heidelberg Research Children from 1942 until 1945, in Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust…2014

Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team. T-4 Program Origins, Planning & Staff

Gerrit Hoehendorf and Maike Rotzoll. Medical Research and National Socialist Euthanasia: Carl Schneider and the Heidelberg Research Children from 1942 until 1945. In Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust…2014

How Ethics Failed – The Role Of Psychiatrists And Physicians In Nazi Programs From Exclusion To Extermination, 1933-1945.  J. Lindert, Y. Stein, H. Guggenheim, JJK. Jaakkola, M. von Cranach, RD.  Strous  Public Health Reviews, 2013

Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust, Ed. by Sheldon Rubenfeld and Susan Benedict, 2014

International Relations in Psychiatry: Britain, German, and the United States, edited by Volker Roelcke, Paul Weindling, Louise Westwood, 2010

Lutz Kaelber. Child Murder in Nazi Germany: the Memory of Nazi Medical Crimes and Commemoration of “Children’s Euthanasia” Societies, 2012

Michael H. Kater. Criminal Physicians in the Third Reich,” in Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany, Edited by Francis Nicosia and Jonathan Huener, 2004;
Michael Kater. The Sewering Scandal of 1993 in Medicine and Modernity: Public Health and Medical Care, ed. Manfred Berg and Geoffrey Cocks, 2002;
Michael Kater. Doctors Under Hitler, 1989;

Kathrin Kompisch. Perpetrators: Women Under National Socialism,2009

Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev. Giants: The Dwarfs Of Auschwitz, 2013 (first published in 2004) Excerpts in The Daily Mail and The Guardian 2013; videos on the Smithsonian channel here and here

Lucette Matalon Lagnado and Sheila Cohn Dekel.  Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz, 1991

Gemma La Gurardia Gluck. Fiorello’s Sister: Gemma La Guardia Gluck’s Story, 1961; reissued, 2007

Hans-Joachim Lang. The Women of Block 10: Medical Experiments in Auschwitz (2011);
Hans-Joachim Lang. August Hirt and “Extraordinary Opportunities for Cadaver Delivery”: A murderous Change in Paradigm, Annals of Anatomy, 2013.

Karolina Lanckoronska. Michelangelo in Ravensbrück: One Woman’s War Against the Nazis, 2008

Susan Lederer. Research Without Borders: The Origins of the Declaration of Helsinki, in History and Theory of Human Experimentation, Ed. Ulif Schmid and Andreas Frewer, 2007

Robert Jay Lifton. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide, 1986; 2000      

Francisco López-Mũnoz,  Cecilio Alamo, Pilar García-García, Juan D. Molina, Gabriel Rubio The Role Of Psychopharmacology In The Medical Abuses Of The Third Reich: From Euthanasia Programmes To Human Experimentation, Brain Research Bulletin, 2008 [pdf]

Wendy Lower. Hitler’s Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields, 2013, Excerpt

Benjamin Madley. From Africa to Auschwitz: How German SouthWest Africa Incubated Ideas and Methods Adopted and Developed by the Nazis in Eastern Europe, European History Quarterly,2005

Elissa Mailänder. The Violence of Female Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps (1939-1945), February, 2015, Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence

Medicine After the Holocaust: From the Master Race to the Human Genome and Beyond, Edited and introduction by Sheldon Rubenfeld, 2010

Medicine and Medical Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies, Edited by Francis R. Nicosia and Jonathan Huener, 2002

Jack Morrison. Ravensbrück: Everyday Life in a Women’s Concentration Camp, 1939-45, 2000

Francis Nicosia and Jonathan Huener. Medicine and Medica Ethics in Nazi Germany: Origins, Practices, Legacies, 2002

Jon Nordheimer.  For Twins of Auschwitz, Time to Unlock Secrets New York Times, April 14, 1991

Nuremberg Doctors Trial Indictments
Nuremberg Doctors Sentences: U.S. Holocaust Museum
Nuremberg Trials Project at Harvard Law School Library  

Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany: The “Euthanasia Programs” Edited by Susan Benedict and Linda Shields, 2014

Norman Ohler. Blitzed, 2015 (English Translation) 2016

Michael O’Reilly. Nazi Medicine: The Perversion of the Noblest Profession, Canadian Medical Association Journal, 1993

The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics, edited by Ezekiel Emanuel, Christine Grady, Robert Crouch, Reidar Lie, Franklin Miller and David Wendler, 2008

Edward D. Pellegrino, MD and David C. Thomasma . Dubious Premises—Evil Conclusions; Moral Reasoning at the Nuremberg Trials. Cambridge Quarterly Healthcare Ethics, 2000

Wanda Półtawska. And I Am Afraid of My Dreams, translated 1987

Heather Pringle. Confronting Anatomy’s Nazi Past, Science Magazine, August 16, 2010

Robert N. Proctor. Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis, 1988;
Robert N. Proctor. Nazi doctors, radical medicine and human experimentation. In: Annas AJ, Gordin MA, eds. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human Experimentation, 2001

Race?: Debunking a Scientific Myth. Ian Tattersall and Rob DeSalle, 2011

Race and the Genetic Revolution: Science, Myth, and Culture. Edited by Sheldon Krimsky and Kathleen Sloan, 2011

Anne Reamey. Holocaust History Project. August Hirt: Deadly Collector of the Victims of the Holocaust 

Reassessing Nazi Human Experiments and Coerced Research, 1933-1945: New Findings, Interpretations and Problems (2013) Symposia at Wadham College, Oxford organized by Dr. Paul Weindling, Dr. Marius Turda and Prof. Dr. Volker Roelcke.  19 Podcasts available at: Pulse Project

Representing Auschwitz: At the Margins of Testimony, edited by Nicholas Chare and Dominic Williams, 2013

Laurence Rees. World War Two: Behind Closed Doors, 2008;
Laurence Rees. The Nazis: A Warning from History; Auschwitz: The Nazis and the ‘Final Solution’, 2005

Andrew Roberts. Medal for murder: Germany honours Nazi SS doctor linked to deaths of 900 children in death camps, The Daily Mail, May 27, 2008

Volker Roelcke. “Between Professional Honor and Self-Reflection: The German Medical Association’s Reluctance to Address Medical Malpractice during the National Socialist Era, ca. 1985 – 2012” in Silence, Scapegoats, Self-Reflection: The Shadow of Nazi Medical Crimes on Medicine and Bioethics, Edited by Volker Roelcke, MD, PhD, Sascha Topp and Etienne Lepicard, MD,2015;

Volker Roelcke. “Sulfonamide Experiments on Prisoners in Nazi Concentration Camps: Coherent Scientific Rationality Combined with Complete Disregard of Humanity” in Human Subjects Research After the Holocaust, Edited by Sheldon Rubenfeld, MD and Susan Benedict, 2014;

Volker Roelcke. “Psychiatric Genetics in Germany, Britain, and the United States” presentation at the Oxford Brookes University, History of Medicine Seminar Series (November, 2009)

Volker Roelcke. “Funding the Scientific Foundations of Race Policies: Ernst Rüdin and the Impact of Career Resources on Psychiatric Genetics, ca 1910—1945, in Man, Medicine, and the State: The Human Body as an Object of Government Sponsored Medical Research in the 20th Century, ed. Wolfgang Eckart, 2006;

Volker Roelcke. “Human Subject Research during the National Socialist Era, 1933-1945: Programs, Practices, and Motivations in Twentieth Century Ethics…2004;
“Historical Perspectives on Human Subjects Research During the 20th Century, and Some Implications for Present Day Issues in Bioethics” in Twentieth Century Ethics Of Human Subjects Research: Historical Perspectives On Values, Practices And Regulations (2004) Edited by Volker Roelcke, MD, PhD and Giovanni Maio, MD, PhD

Vanessa Ruiz. Pernkopf Anatomy Atlas: Tainted Beauty, 2007

Rochelle Saidel. The Jewish Women of Ravensbrück, 2004

AE Samaan. From A Race of Masters to a Master Race, 2013;
AE Samaan. Harvard and the Holocaust, 2013

Wendy Sarti. Examining Why Sadism Violence and Identity, The Group and the Common Enemy, in Women and Nazis: Perpetrators of Genocide and Other Crimes During Hitler’s Regime (1933-1945) 2011

Ulf Schmidt. The Scars of Ravensbrück: Medical Experiments and British War Crimes Policy, 1945-1950, German History, 2005

Gabriel Schoenfeld. Auschwitz & the Professors, Commentary, June 1998

Terese Pecak-Schwartz. Holocaust Forgotten—Five Million Non-Jewish Victims, 2012

William E. Seidelman MD Science and Inhumanity: The Kaiser-Wilhelm/Max Planck Society, 2001;

William E. Seidelman. “The Legacy of Academic Medicine and Human Exploitation in the Third Reich” in Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 2000;
William E. Seidelman. Medicine and Murder in the Third Reich, Dimensions, A Journal of Holocaust Studies, 1999;
William E. Seidelman. Whither Nuremberg? Medicine’s Continuing Nazi Heritage, Medicine and     Global Survival, 1995

Silence, Scapegoats, Self-Reflection: The Shadow of Nazi Medical Crimes on Medicine and Bioethics, Edited by Volker Roelcke, MD, Sascha Topp and Etienne Lepicard, MD, 2015

Michael Shevell. Racial Hygiene, Active Euthanasia, and Julius Hallervorden,  Neurology 42(1992):2214-2219.

Alette Smeulers. Female Perpetrators: Ordinary or Extra-Ordinary Women? International Criminal Law Review, 2015

Timothy Snyder. Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning, Sept. 2015

AN Sofair, MD and LD Kaldjian MD. “Eugenic Sterilization and a Qualified Nazi Analogy: U.S. and Germany, 1930–1945”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 2000

Robert Sommer. Concentration Camp Bordello: Sexual Forced Labor, 2009

Vivien Spitz. Doctors From Hell: the Horrific Account of Nazi Experiments on Humans, 2005

Bettina Stangneth. Eichmann Before Jerusalem: the Unexamined Life of a Mass Murder, 2011; English translation, 2014

Rael D. Strous. Psychiatry During the Nazi Era: Ethical Lessons for the Modern Professional, Annals of General Psychiatry, 2007.

Germaine Tillion. Ravensbrück, 1997

Karen Iris Tucker. Life Inside the Ravensbrück Concentration Camp for Women, Slate, April 16, 2015

Twentieth Century Ethics Of Human Subjects Research: Historical Perspectives On Values, Practices And Regulations, [Twenty-three essays] Edited by Volker Roelcke, MD and Giovanni Maio (2004)

Unresolved questions of German medicine and medical history in the past and present. Center European History 1993 cited by Hanauske-Abel.

Paul Weindling, MD. Victims and Survivors of Nazi Human Experiments: Science and  Suffering in the Holocaust, 2014;

Paul Weindling. John W. Thompson: Psychiatrist in the Shadow of the Holocaust, 2010;

Paul Weindling. The Nazi Medical Experiments in The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics, edited by Ezekiel Emanuel, Christine Grady, Robert Crouch, Reidar Lie, Franklin Miller and David Wendler, 2008;

Paul Weindling. Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent, 2004;

Paul Weindling. Epidemics and Genocide in Eastern Europe, 2000; Health, Race and German Politics between  National Unification and Nazism 1870-1945 (published 1989)

Lawrence W. White M.D. The Nazi Doctors and the Medical Community; Honor or Censure? The Case of Hans Sewering, Journal of Medical Humanities , 1996, Vol. 17; 19-135

Martyn Whittock. A Brief History of The Third Reich, 2011

Women Under Siege (Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women During the Holocaust, edited by Sonja M. Hedgepeth and Rochelle G. Saidel, 2010

Lawrence A. Zeidman, MD, James Stone, MD, Daniel Kondziella, MD, Ph. New Revelations About Hans   Berger, Father Of The EEG, And His Ties To The Third Reich, J of Child Neurology, 2013 

Kathleen Zhang. Beyond Death: The Aesthetics of the Human Corpse, NYU, 2013

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