October 7, 2012

VIII. FDA is the pivotal regulatory gatekeeper entrusted with: “protecting the public health by assuring the safety

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part V–FDA Complicit in Crimes

October 7, 2012

IV. What Do We Get for All That Money? According to the Kaiser Foundation:[1] The number of

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part II–What Do We Get for $$$ ?

September 21, 2012

The headline in The New York Times (Friday, Sept 21) “Reversing Trend, Life Span Shrinks for Some

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part I “The Whole System is Broken”

June 20, 2012

A conservative estimate:  between 225,000 and 296,000 deaths annualy are caused by adverse drug reactions from prescription

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Medicine Hijacked: Books That Document the Real Health Care Crisis

August 11, 2011

For two decades, medical professionals, the public, and public health policy officials who determine the allocation of

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The Truth About Psychiatric Drugs

May 18, 2011

Aricept  (donepezil) 23 mg was approved July 23, 2010 on the basis of a single clinical trial

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Petition to FDA: Withdraw Aricept 23mg Immediately

July 24, 2010

An independent report by Janne Larsson, analyzes the 2007 suicide data documented by the Swedish National Board

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Swedish Suicide Data 2007: Majority Treated With Psych Drugs

March 3, 2009

Sad to say, "A Life-Changing Case for Doctors in Training", by Dr. Barron Lerner in today's New

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LIbby Zion Death: Medical Malpractice

February 28, 2009

The review included 49 randomized, controlled clinical trials in the pediatric development programs, as well as postmarketing

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ADHD Drugs Induce Hallucinations in Kids–FDA safety Officers

November 18, 2008

The New York Times reports that an FDA advisory committee deliberating over the safety of using antipsychotic

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Antipsychotic Use in Children: FDA Panel Rejects FDA Soft-Peddle Approach

December 21, 2006

In this Infomail, Dr. David Cohen, AHRP Secretary gives his brief personal impressions from the December 13

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Public Testimonies at FDA-SSRI-Suicidality Hearings, Dec. 13, 2006

December 5, 2006

Suffer the little children for the drug companies and their duly financially awarded physicians, patient “advocacy” groups

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Assaultive Prescribing of Psych Drugs for Children

October 30, 2006

AHRP board member, Dr. Karen Effrem, a pediatrician turned public advocate for children, has connected the dots

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Infant Mental Health Screen-a Gov-approved Assault

October 26, 2006

Risks: Drugs / Vaccines / Trials / Treatment Evidence of antidepressant harm Oct 14, 2005: Andrew Finkelstein

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Risks: Drugs / Vaccines / Trials / Treatments