November 21, 2014

Karen R. Effrem, MD EdWatch Board of Directors Alliance for Human Research Protection Board of Directors ICSPP

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Testimony Against SF 2841-Minnesota – Preschool Socioemotional Screening–Karen Effrem, MD.

March 16, 2013

Background: In November 2003, a court ordered independent assessment confirmed that Dan was psychotic, “lacked capacity to

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University of Minnesota Stonewalling Psychiatrists’ Gross Medical Misconduct

July 28, 2012

The SACRAMENTO BEE reports that  two neurosurgeons have been banned by the the University of California at

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Two UC Nueurosurgeons Banned From Human Research

June 22, 2012

FYI Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the US. In any given month,

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Unexamined Drug Epidemic–the Elephant No One Wants to See

May 14, 2012

The proposed revisions to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association will continue the

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Vicissitudes of Psychiatry’s Diagnostic Manual Revisions

June 19, 2011

From: [] Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 6:20 PM To: Manning; Vera Sharav Subject: I was

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Where Can One Find an Honest, Forthright Psychiatrist?

March 15, 2011

In our era, psychiatry as a profession has suffered a significant loss of credibility: the most influential

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Inside Psychiatry’s Battle to Define Mental Illness

February 26, 2011

A long-awaited, 14 year magnetic imaging (MRI) follow-up study by Dr. Nancy Andreasen, involving 211 patients, documents

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Scientific Proof: Antipsychjotics Shrink Brain

February 1, 2011

One of the most horrific recent cases of unethical, medical experimentation, concucted at a prestigious US university,

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Charles Schulz under scrutiny for Seroquel study suicide

February 1, 2011

The latest January 2011 QuarterWatch (analyzing FDA’s MedWatch adverse effect reports for Quarter 2 of 2010) found

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CHANTIX Linked to Highest # Reports–Hostility-Aggression, Psychosis

January 24, 2011

The classification of Electroshock  machines will be the focus of an FDA advisory committee hearing this Thursday

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FDA to Review Safety of Electroshock Devices

January 14, 2011

The excerpts from The New Yorker (below) may be read as a companion piece to the Atlantic

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The Truth Wears Off

December 15, 2010

After two decades of contentious denials about the suicidal risk posed by certain psychoactive prescription drugs, numerous

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31 Prescription Drugs Linked to 387 Homicides