September 30, 2015

Who determines whether a medical intervention falls within the parameters of an experiment?   Maria Rentetzi Historical

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Twentieth Century Ethics Of Human Subjects Research

August 1, 2015

Background: Between 1985 and 2005, at least 532 infants and children in New York City were conscripted as

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Vera Institute of Justice Final Report (2009): 80 NYC Foster Children Died in AIDS Drug Trials

December 20, 2006

The wholly unethical artificial blood experiment was conducted on non-consenting trauma patients. The Chicago Tribune reports: "In

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Blood substitute`a disaster’ in trial Northfield still plans toseek FDA approval

November 14, 2006

From messages received, I gather that many of you missed the CNN-Paula Zahn News segment about FDA's

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Waived consent controversy: Video available_CNN: Paula Zahn

August 23, 2006

What sets human research subjects apart from animals is the universalprohibition enshrined in the Nuremberg Code: "The

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NYT Editorial: Safe Drug Testing in Prisons?

August 14, 2006

Below a group of press reports about an untehical Stanford University experiment which we presented in our

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Stanford University Drug Test on Incarcerated Juveniles 1997-1999

August 13, 2006

The New York Times reports (below) that The Institute of Medicine (IOM) panel–which includes a well known

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IOM Panel Recommends Using Prison Inmates as Guinea Pigs in Drug Trials_NYT

July 4, 2006

The British MHRA (equivalent to the U.S. FDA) reportedly acknowledged that Parexel, the U.S. firm that conducted

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German Drug maker of disastrous TGN1412 files for insolvency_BBC

June 10, 2006

An article by Gardiner Harris of The New York Times (below) reported that a recent review by

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Antibiotic Ketek Trial in Children

May 28, 2006

 Dr. McGlashan, who now concedes that his screening test proved unreliable. Furthermore. he said:  "I’m more pessimistic

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Director Yale Psychiatric Institute concedes “I don’t think drugs can prevent full-blown psychosis”_

May 12, 2006

The drugs being tested on very young, defenseless children are the most toxic, harm producing psychotropic prescription

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Tots Used as Guinea Pigs? ABC News

May 3, 2006

The New York Times reports: “In recent years, psychiatric researchers have been experimenting with a bold and

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Yale-Lilly Experiment: Adolescents Rx Toxic Drug for Presumed Mental Illness They Do Not Have

March 19, 2006

Below are two important articles from Britain’s Sunday Times.,,2087-2092527,00.html The Sunday Times – BritainPoison ChaliceMarch

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Poison Chalice–TGN1412_Sunday Times UK

March 3, 2006

From: Borror, Kristina C. (OPHS) [mailto:KBorror@OSOPHS.DHHS.GOV] Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 1:46 PMTo: ‘VERACARE’Cc: Schwetz, Bernard A.

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OHRP Response to AHRP Complaint & AHRP Reply