September 27, 2014

David Graham, MD, FDA’s Associate Director of Science and Medicine who, throughout his career, has been a

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David Graham, MD

September 27, 2014

Professor and chair of the department of Family and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Louisville. From

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Diane Harper, MD

April 23, 2013

Extremely low weight premature infants have an approximately 20% mortality rate —if treated with the best current

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Doctors Deceived, Premature Infants’ Lives Sacrificed

January 4, 2013

Commercially corrupted medicine is the leading cause of death in the US—and it is bankrupting the US

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Can Medical Research be Trusted?

October 7, 2012

IV. What Do We Get for All That Money? According to the Kaiser Foundation:[1] The number of

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part II–What Do We Get for $$$ ?

September 15, 2012

Is US Healthcare Really the best in the World? Starfield_JAMA_2000  The findings by Barbara Starfield, MD, of

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US Healthcare Third Leading Cause of Death_Barbara Starfield, MD

September 14, 2012

EXAMPLES demonstrating a collision between FDA safety officers and FDA leadership:   ·         In 1995, Dr. Leo

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Safety Issues: FDA Scientists Collide with FDA Managers

September 8, 2012

 EXAMPLES demonstrating a collision between FDA safety officers and FDA leadership:   In 1995, Dr. Leo Lutwak,

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FDA Scientists Collide with FDA Managers Re: Safety Issues

August 20, 2012

FDA Drug Recall Due to Safety Issues  1980 – 2011   Drug Name:                                                                Approved                               Withdrawn   Methaqualone

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Rx Drugs Recalled for Safety Issues from US market

August 1, 2011

Commercially-driven biomedical research–in particular, research involving prescription drugs, vaccines, and medical devices—has corrupted the entire field of

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Useless Studies, Real Harm

March 12, 2011

The editor in chief of the BMJ acknowledges that AHRP was right to criticize the BMJ and

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BMJ Editor Acnolwledges Failure to Disclose COI

February 14, 2011

MSD [Merck Sharp & Dohme Ltd] Signs Partnership With BMJ Group  Is it just conceivably possible, that

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BMJ & the Lancet Wedded to Merck CME Partnership

January 19, 2011

Is there something wrong with the scientific method in medical research? In 2005, Dr Ioannidis,  a prominent,

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Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

November 13, 2010

For years, the Alliance for Human Research Protection has been disseminating news reports documenting the corrosive impact

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Medical Journals Complicit in Corruption of Medicine