January 11

“They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side”

Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses Vaccine Safety

We post the review and summary of Dr. Humpries’ video presentation in Sweden (2014) about vaccine safety as reported by Health Impact News. Our only contribution was the addition of a photo of (then) Secretary of Health and Human Services who was asked by the Reader’s Digest “What can be done about public mistrust of vaccines?” Sebelius responded:

 “There are groups out there that insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We  have reached out to media outlets to try to get them not to give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting.”  (2010)

Also highly recommended is Dr. Humphries’ Four-Part video presentation “Manufactured Consent” [as opposed to Informed Consent]

Video Review and Summary of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety
Health Impact News Editor Comments

Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a medical doctor with specialties in internal medicine and nephrology. She has years of experience in seeing and treating illness resulting from vaccine damage, particularly kidney failure. It is highly unlikely you will ever hear her interviewed in the mainstream media, because the mainstream media only presents one side of vaccine safety.

Dr. Susan Humphries
Dr. Susan Humphries

Dr. Humphries was recently interviewed while traveling in Sweden. The information she shares in this 22 minute video is information every person in America should have access to, particularly doctors and those administering vaccines. I have been covering the vaccine issues for many years now, and I must say that what Dr. Humphries covers in this 22 minute video is by far the best presentation on vaccine safety I have ever watched. See: Are Vaccines Safe?

In this educational video, Dr. Humphries discusses some of the problems inherent with vaccines. For example, she explains that viruses in vaccines come into the body in a different way than the natural infection does. She gives measles as an example. The measles virus is inhaled in its natural form, but the vaccine is injected, giving exposure to the nervous system much more quickly than if it had been inhaled naturally. She points out that the vaccines contain more than just the virus. The other chemical ingredients of a vaccine include things like aluminum, mercury, polysorbate 80, and formaldehyde.

Do Vaccines Keep Populations Healthy?

The interviewer asked Dr. Humphries if she thought vaccines were working in keeping populations healthy. Her reply was quite revealing:

“You have to define “working” first. Some people consider “working” to mean that you suppress a disease in a population. Some vaccines do work by that definition.

But no vaccine increases the health of a population, because vaccines do not increase the health of a human. There is nothing in a vaccine that our bodies actually require… There is no nutritive effect of a vaccine. So no, I don’t believe that they create health in a population. I believe there are always better ways to deal with diseases in a population than vaccinating anybody.”

Dr. Humphries then discusses how there is a lack of historical evidence showing that vaccines actually did eradicate any diseases. Most people today do not realize that the statement “vaccines are responsible for eradicating certain diseases” is not a scientific statement, because such a statement about history cannot be proven by science. It is a belief based on the evidence of the data, and Dr. Humphries looks at the actual data, rather than simply stating a belief about the data.

Dr. Humphries gives clear examples where the data supports just the opposite, that in certain cases disease rates went down after vaccines were stopped. She also shows how the CDC and others manipulate the data to support their views on vaccines.

Is Today’s Vaccine Schedule Dangerous?

Next, the interviewer asked Dr. Humphries if there was a danger in vaccinating populations as we do today. Her reply is very astute:

“That’s a complicated question. I would say adequate research has not been done. What we would need to do would be to look at a vaccinated population versus a non-vaccinated population. And not just for one vaccine.

“See, the pro-vaccine people will say that we have these studies, we’ve done them, but it’s only one vaccine. And they call it a vaccinated versus unvaccinated study when just missing one vaccine [in the vaccine schedule] would qualify you as unvaccinated by their definition.

So we can’t do a study where we purposefully take people at birth, and vaccinate half of them, and don’t vaccinate the other half. That would never be agreed upon by the authorities.

But what we can do is look at populations that are already not vaccinated, that live in the same place, and are virtually identical in as many ways as possible as those who are vaccinated. And if you have a large enough group, you can tell the difference between them as far as the disease rates go.

Now are they safe? No. Even the Supreme Court of the United States ruled last year that there is an inherent lack of safety some of the time. And so because we know that vaccine adverse events occur, we have a system in place to compensate some of the people that this occurs for. But we don’t have a system in place to compensate everyone this occurs for. In fact, it’s the vast minority of claims that actually ever get compensated for.

So just given this little bit of information I have told you, you have to wonder, are vaccines safe? Can you say that they are safe?

I say that nobody has proven to me that they are safe, that I have scientific reason to believe that the components that are in them, and how they act upon the immune system, and the potential for auto-immunity, and cancers, and neurological diseases, is there. And so I cannot say or guarantee that these vaccines are safe. Not even one of them let alone numerous vaccines in the childhood vaccination program given earlier and earlier and more and more.

Vaccine Promoters Do Not Want You to Hear the Other Side

The video then shows Dr. Humphries giving this advice during her lecture:

The people who want to vaccinate are often very aggressive, and they don’t want you to hear the other side. And that should make a light bulb in your head go off. Why don’t they want me to hear the other side? Why don’t they think I can actually listen to both sides, and come up with my own decision?

See, I will never tell you not to vaccinate. But they will always tell you to vaccinate, for everything. That alone I believe should be a red flag to you. But I’m saying you listen to everything, and then you choose. What you do is your responsibility. And that’s not what the people who are supporting these aggressive vaccination campaigns, more and more vaccines all the time to little babies [are recommending].

Next, the interviewer asks Dr. Humphries to talk about methods authorities use to make people get vaccines. They show a slide from her lecture which is a direct quote from the N.Y. Times by Dr. Lance Rodewald, the director of the Division of Immunization Services at the CDC, where he states: “Frightening parents about the consequences of failing to vaccinate their children will most likely be part of the campaign. For that task, meningococcal meningitis is ideal.

Dr. Humphries explains that using fear to stimulate the masses to get vaccines has been practiced for a long time. She mentions how no alternatives to vaccines are proposed or suggested, and uses the flu vaccine as an example, because the flu vaccine is not very effective. In addition to fear, they use a lot of “misinformation” and withholding of information regarding natural ways to combat disease and build up the immune system.

The video then shows another segment of Dr. Humphries’ lecture, where she shows a slide presentation from Dr. Jacobson of the Mayo Clinic. It is a slide presentation developed to train doctors on how to deal with patient objectives to vaccines. You can view the entire slide presentation here [1]. Dr. Humphries shows her audience a couple of slides from this presentation:

CDC Infromation:

  • Don’t plan on printing and giving to parents
  • Don’t plan on emailing them the links
  • Instead, read and remember to make you CASE
  • Persuade rather than inform

Dr. Humphries explains that even doctors are largely unaware of the dangers of vaccines, and mentioned one doctor who had a daughter injured by the HPV vaccine. That doctor was unaware of the risks, and Dr. Humphries believes that all parents are entitled to know what the risks are, no matter how small they may supposedly be. She explains that parents are not given “equally-weighed” information, but highly biased information about vaccines and vaccine safety. As the slides above show, the doctors are trained to persuade rather than inform patients about vaccines and vaccine safety.

How Dr. Humphries Changed from Someone Who Believed in Vaccines to a Vaccine Safety Advocate

The interviewer then reveals how Dr. Humphries has been a doctor for a long time, and that she used to not only believe in vaccines, but she used to give them. So she asks Dr. Humphries what she learned in her research to make her change her mind.

Dr. Humphries then explains that she was motivated to research vaccines and learn the truth, because her medical training had misinformed her. She also saw friends and family members injured by vaccines.

When the interviewer asks her if she felt betrayed when she learned the truth about vaccines, much of which was suppressed in her medical training, Dr. Humphries gives a rather incredible response. If anyone has wondered what Dr. Humphries motivation is, or what kind of character she has, this reply is very revealing:

“Well, I take responsibility for what I have done in my life. And so if somebody made me go to medical school and kept everything away from me, maybe I would feel betrayed. But I chose to go to medical school, and I chose to limit my reading material to the degree that I did. So I didn’t feel betrayed.”

The Medical System: Who are the Real “Quacks”?

Dr. Humphries then goes on to state that vaccines were not the only area of medicine where she had not learned the full spectrum of information. She realized that other areas of medicine are lacking valuable information.

She went on to explain that this is the great fear vaccine promoters have:
that doctors will begin to doubt medicine’s claims, causing a doubt in the entire medical system.
She explains that the funding coming into the medical system severely limits the practice and knowledge of medicine.

Dr. Humpries also knows first hand what it means to go up against the powerful medical system, and question their authority. She makes one of the best quotes regarding the label of “quacks” I have ever heard:

“We are told that so many things are quackery, when in fact the things that the medical system calls quackery are what I now see helping the most. So I think the term quackery really needs to be redefined. Because in the time I have become a “quack,” myself and my patients have become healthier than they ever were at the time when I was not a quack.”

Faith in Vaccines

The interviewer then asks Dr. Humphries about a statement she makes in her lectures where she states that if she travels abroad to countries known for certain diseases, that she does not take vaccines for those diseases, and asks her “why?”

Here is her response:

“Because I take really good care of my immune system, and my body. I believe its always a gamble. So you have to pick which side you are going to run with, and you have to believe in it and do it. So if you are going to believe in vaccines, then you need to believe in it and do it. I don’t believe in vaccines. I don’t even believe a little bit in vaccines. I believe they can do more harm to me than I may ever be able to make up for.”

Censorship in the Mainstream Media

Kathleen Sebelius
Kathleen Sebelius

The video ends with another segment of Dr. Humphries’ lecture, where she shows a quote by Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, in Reader’s Digest. This quote blames people like Dr. Humphries for giving information about vaccine problems, and admits that at her high government position, they have told the media not to give people like Dr. Humphries a voice.

And so they don’t. You cannot learn about vaccine safety in the mainstream media today.

But you can watch the video here. I commend the Swedish group that produced this video, Canal 2nd Opinion [2], and the incredibly wonderful job they did in producing this video.

People, watch this video!! If you have doctors who are open-minded and want to learn about the inherent dangers of vaccines, show them this video! Churches and other places of worship need to get together and show this video. Let’s educate people on the entire truth of the issue of vaccines, because the government and medical system does not want you to know this, and the mainstream media in general is not doing their job in covering this issue.

See Also: CDC Autism Scandal: Tsunami of Anger is Brewing and About to Explode
Dangerous Doctor: Media Vaccine Promoter has Huge Conflict of Interest
Vaccine Scandals and Criminal Cases Increase in 2014

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