Dr. Meryl Nass, MD exposes the serious risk of blood clots – including clots on the brain – that the evidence shows, but that the public is not informed about. She notes that this may be a risk posed by all 4 currently used Covid-19 vaccines – Astra-Zeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer BioNTech, & Moderna. So what are the leaders of the “free world” doing about it? Read on…

Latest vaccine flip-flop gives the vaccine game away
The Astra-Zeneca “cheap and easy to store” “workhorse” vaccine causes blood clots in general, and in particular clots in the cavernous sinus of the brain, which have killed or wounded a number of people, especially women under 55.
The J and J vaccine was associated with blood clots in its clinical trial data presented to FDA. Both vaccines use an adenovirus vector to deliver DS DNA that codes for spike protein, and human cellular machinery produces this protein, for an uncertain period of time in uncertain quantities. So blood clotting may be due to the adenovirus vector, or to the spike protein, or to something entirely different.
The mRNA vaccines use mRNA to code for the spike, using cellular machinery to produce the spike protein. The end result of all 4 vaccines is similar, and again, we do not know for how long the body makes this protein.
If the spike itself induces clotting, which is a reasonable hypothesis scientists have put forth, but is unproven, then all 4 vaccines would be thrombogenic (induce clotting).
How did 20 countries deal with this issue?
First they halted the vaccinations until they could review all the available data and get their narratives aligned. They then decided the A-Z vaccine did cause clots. But you cannot waste Covid vaccine (unless you are EBS) so it had to be used. But in whom? In poorer countries of course. But what about the supplies already purchased by western Europe?
The public health leaders came up with a great idea. Restrict it, just for the elderly. If they die, there is almost always a preexisting condition to blame. But apparently that wasn’t enough. So the Brits have started testing this vaccine in children. While a few countries stopped the A-Z vaccine altogether.
Can you imagine what the informed consent for testing this vaccine in children says? “We are testing a vaccine, known to cause lethal blood clots, in children, who almost never get severe Covid–therefore the benefits won’t exceed the risks of the vaccine in this demographic. Your child is at greater risk of dying from the vaccine than the disease.” How many parents would sign? Obviously, there must be lies on the consent form. Here is a legal case for you British barristers.
As I was writing this, the news appeared that the clinical trials of the A-Z vaccine in children were finally paused, just today. Which is 2-3 weeks after the blood clotting issue surfaced.
How well does the Astra-Zeneca vaccine work in the elderly? Only two months ago the leaders of France and Germany told us:
Officials in Germany claim the Astra-Zeneca vaccine is only 8% effective in those over 65. French President Macron has complained to Agence France Press that the A-Z vaccine was only “quasi-ineffective for people over 65.”
So, in order to use up the supply, or perhaps for other purposes, Germany will now use the vaccine only in those over 60, and France will use it only in those over 55 — which are the age groups in whom they claimed it didn’t work.
In case it is not yet clear, this latest flip-flop from Macron and Merkel reveals the truth. The purpose of the vaccines is obviously not to protect us. The vaccines enrich Pharma. The vaccine passports enable much greater control over the citizenry. There may be additional agendas. But this is clearly not about our health.