December 28

Infomail Archive

Infomail Archive – Pre 2003

News Stories on Human Research Protection and
Commentary by Vera Hassner Sharav

December 28, 2002: Will 2 to 5 year old Amer. kids be exposed to Smallpox Vaccine? Israeli Intelligence says “No immediate threat”

December 24, 2002: Moral turpitude: Herpes experiment surpasses Tuskegee

December 20, 2002: FDA approves anti-psychotic, clozapine, to treat suicide

December 16, 2002: Former President of Amer Heart Assoc Caught in Fraud

December 15, 2002: NY Times Preschool Meds

December 14, 2002: Former President of Amer Heart Assoc Caught in Fraud – BMJ

December 13, 2002: Ethics Questioned in Lung Disease Trial–Feds Demand Patient Data – Newhouse News

December 10, 2002: Patient vs. Portfolio: ImClone_Salon

December 9, 2002: Patient vs. Portfolio: ImClone – Salon

December 6, 2002: When Doctors Go to Class, Industry Often Foots the Bill – WSJ

December 5, 2002: Japan Links 81 Deaths to new Lung Cancer Drug

December 5, 2002: Vaccine Renaissance Outpaces Drug Industry

December 5, 2002: Smallpox Vaccine Reactions Jolt Experts – WashPost

December 4, 2002: GAO Found CDC Supervision of Bioagents Weak

December 3, 2002: Science Reporters Don’t Notice Conflicts of Interest

December 2, 2002: Comments re: Smallpox Vaccine Trial on 2-5 year old children

November 27, 2002: US Gov Asks Court to Seal Vaccine Records

November 26, 2002: Anthrax Vaccine Damage Done – London Times

November 24, 2002: Portrait of a Heroine: Shouting the Pain from Japan’s Germ Attacks

November 23, 2002: Corruption in drug research – NYT; Corruption in Medicine – BMJ

November 22, 2002: Tonight PBS Is Science for Sale?

November 21, 2002: NIH sponsored hypertension trial incites controversy: COI

November 20, 2002: More CDC Dirty Work re: ANTHRAX Vaccine – Meryl Nass, MD

November 19, 2002: Homeland Security Bill – Eli Lilly Man in Bush Cabinet

November 18, 2002: Critical GAO Report Belies Safety of Anthrax Vaccine – Insight

November 17, 2002: Schizophrenia Drug Implants May Qualify as Medical Torture

November 16, 2002: NY Times Whitewashes Ritalin Experiment in Preschool Kids

November 15, 2002: Homeland Security bill – Pharma Immunity – WP

November 14, 2002: Dying for a Cure: Pediatric Cancer Trial Undisclosed facts – NBC, Chicago

November 12, 2002: UK’s Elderly Care Plan Run by US “Cheats”

November 11, 2002: Canadian Lawsuit:Autism-Vaccine – Maclean’s

November 10, 2002: Vaccines the culprit – Not-So-Crackpot Autism Theory – NYT

November 8, 2002: Investigative series finds kids drugged without cause – Journal News

November 4, 2002: High Mortality Rates in Clinical Trials

November 3, 2002: Presidential Panel: Mental Health System Dysfunctional

November 2, 2002: 2 to 5 year old children targeted for Smallpox Vaccine trial_DHHS

October 30, 2002: Advisory Panel: What Protections for Children, fetuses, embryos?

October 29, 2002: Police recruit volunteers to binge on drugs-alcohol_ WSJ

October 29, 2002: Documents Show Drug Company Promotion of Unproven Drug_NYT

October 28, 2002: Research Protection: SCIENCE / Fed Paper

October 28, 2002: Abortion Pill Tested in clinical Trials for Severe Depression_NYT

October 27, 2002: Duke Survey Clinical trials: Research Conflicts of Interest Violate ethical Guidelines_UPI

October 25, 2002: Lawsuits & press info RE: SSRI addiction / suicide risk–not scientific literature

October 24, 2002: Conflicts of Interest Rampant in Medical Research – NEJM / News Tribune (Wash)

October 23, 2002: GAO Report critical of anthrax vaccine

October 22, 2002: Drug Testing Debate – Parenting Mag 4 Pt. Series

October 21, 2002: AHRP Press Release Children Policy Recommendations

October 18, 2002: Court Strikes Down FDA Pediatric Rule

October 18, 2002: Pediatric Drug Tests – CNN / NYT Editorial

October 16, 2002: Director of OHRP Dr. Greg Koski resigns

October 11, 2002: Seroxat (known as Paxil in the USA) is the subject of a major BBC-TV documentary

October 10, 2002: Smallpox Vaccine: Doctor Lists 18 Points You Should Consider – Redflags weekly

October 9, 2002: US Troops Were Subjected to Wider Toxic Testing_NYT

October 9, 2002: Smallpox Vaccine plan: HHS Messengers Still Stumble

October 8, 2002: Last Journey of Artificial Heart Recipient – NYT

October 7, 2002: Opposition to Smallpox Vaccine Plan

October 7, 2002: Drug Test Loopholes

October 4, 2002: Serious Adverse Reaction in Gene Therapy- France & US Halt Trials

October 3, 2002: IOM Panel Misses the Point Test Subjects

October 2, 2002: Ecstasy- Long-lasting brain damage and may trigger Parkinson’s – BBC

September 30, 2002: Ritalin Outrage: Congress_ Big Media Under the Influence of Big Drugs

September 28, 2002: Smallpox Vaccine to be tested in children – why hasn’t CDC released their vaccine data?

September 27, 2002: Is This Permissible Medical Research?

September 27, 2002: NIMH director blames HMOs for ADHD-Ritalin problem_NYPost

September 25, 2002: NIH suspended ARDS Lung experiment in Aug / AHRP filed complaint re: ARDS in July

September 25, 2002: NY Post Prompts Cong Hearings re: Children prescribed Ritalin

September 24, 2002: Students call for ouster of researcher – AAMC COI guidelines

September 23, 2002: Mental Health System called “Snake Pit” – Editorial WJN

September 20, 2002: Pilots/ Children prescribed addictive stimulant drugs – “go pills” / “no go pills” – Christian Sci Monitor

September 19, 2002: Kids are “hot ticket” in Rx drug market

September 15, 2002: BioMedNet: FDA Divorces Chemistry from Biology

September 9, 2002: Human Pesticide Experiment: The Slippery Slope – Sunday Herald

September 6, 2002: Dr. Arif Kahn analysis of Psych drug Trials Reveals High Suicide risk

September 5, 2002: OHRP Backtracks on Public Disclosure – Bureau of National Affairs

September 5, 2002: Do the Ends Justify the Means in Human Research?

September 3, 2002: Columbine shooting victim sues Solvay Pharmaceuticals – Insight Magazine

September 2, 2002: South Carolina Judges Voted to Ban Secret Court Settlements

August 29, 2002: Anti-malaria drug: Risk of Suicide – UPI

August 26, 2002: OHRP Retreats from Providing Public Info re: Compliance Activities

August 26, 2002: Integrity in Scientific Research : Peer review ineffective – Institute of Medicine / Lancet / Science

August 22, 2002: Three Questionable FDA policies: drug factory inspection rules/ clinical trials/ Paxil ads

August 20, 2002: Medical Science Violating Children – 450 healthy children targeted – redflagsweekly

August 14, 2002: Neil Bush: “My Son Was A Victim of School Rx: Ritalin” – NY Post

August 7, 2002: University of California Seeks to Ease Curbs on Patient Protection in Research – LA Times

July 29, 2002: University of California, San Francisco: Patients Rights Violated

July 26, 2002: Cancer Trials: 60% to 70% of subjects are children

July 26, 2002: 2,610 Infants died of preventable hospital-acquired infections

July 25, 2002: US Drug Usage Explodes_327% increase in Children

July 23, 2002: Unhealthy Hospitals – 103,000 preventable deaths in 2000

July 21, 2002: Media interviews Dr. Meryl Nass re: anthrax vaccine and anthrax attacks

July 20, 2002: 16-Year-Old Boy Gets Prozac in Mail

July 18, 2002: Anthrax Vaccine Not Safe and Effective – Emergency Medicine News

July 16, 2002: Genetic Testing Raises Tough Ethical Questions

July 15, 2002: Short Drug Tests, Fatal Flaws. Thomas J. Moore. Op Ed. Boston Globe

July 14, 2002: Corporate influence on medicine, budgets & investors

July 12, 2002: Babies Exposed to Toxic Vaccines

July 12, 2002: Scientifically unsupportable treatments: Hormone replacement therapy and anti-depression drugs

July 12, 2002: Duke Warning: Zyprexa-Diabetes Link

July 10, 2002: Hormone Replacement “Bombshell” is Not and isolated incident

July 9, 2002: Oregonian Editorial: Stop Drug Research on Oregon Kids

July 8, 2002: Critique: U.S. to Vaccinate 500,000 Workers Against Smallpox (7/7/02)

June 13, 2002: When Money Corrupts Medicine – Deaths Occur

June 5, 2002: APA Under the Influence of PhaRma

May 31, 2002: Children in "Hot Demand" for Clinical Trials

May 30, 2002: Bitter Medicine: Pills, Profit & the Public Health – ABC News

May 23, 2002: FDA -Conflicts of Interest to be expanded – Washington Post

May 21, 2002: Bitter Pill for David Healy: academia under pharma influence

May 15, 2002: Harvard President Laments Chinese Study – Boston Globe

May 13, 2002: Experimentation on Newborns: Is it Ethical?

April 22, 2002: Scientific Misconduct Notices

April 19, 2002
DHHS / FDA flip-flop second time re: " pediatric rule"

April 17, 2002
Scandal: Scientists Take Cash for Ghostwritten Papers

April 16, 2002
Do Risk Factors Necessarily Lead to Disease?

April 15, 2002
Bill Would Enable Californians to Earn Easy Money by Consigning Relatives to Medical Experimentation

April 14, 2002
Clinical Trials Given "At Your Own Risk"

April 12, 2002
If Placebo Works Without Risk, Side-Effects or Cost — Why Prescribe Anti-Depressant Drugs?

April 10a, 2002
U.S. Bio-Tech Start-ups Conducting Cheap Preliminary Studies in China

April 10, 2002
For Relief of Severe Depression, Study Shows No Significance Difference Among Placebo, Zoloft and St. Johns Wort — JAMA 

April 9, 2002
Debate on Value of Screening Tests for Cancer 

April 8, 2002
Testing Drugs On children: A Collision of Interests

April 7, 2002
Lancet:  Just How Tainted Has Medicine Become?

April 2, 2002
Francis Fukuyama: Don’t Alter Human Nature 

March 31, 2002
Harvard research jeopardized the welfare of disadvantaged Chinese people while violating federal regulations.

March 25, 2002
Federal Office of Human Research Protection has not been an adequate enforcer of federal ethics and safety standards.

March 16, 2002
Ethics of Physician/Industry Relationships

March 15a, 2002
Harm to Alzheimer Experimental Patients

March 15, 2002
Seattle Times Reports 6 More Families Sue Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

March 13, 2002
Coroner calls for withdrawal of Seroxat (PAXIL)

March 8, 2002 
FDA and Pharmaceutical Industry in Private Deal to Speed Drug Approval Process

March 5, 2002
Placebo Trials and Tribulations

March 5a, 2002 
American Scientific Misconduct America Undercuts Meaningful AIDS Research by the French

March 4, 2002
Mind Drugs May Hinder Recovery

March 1, 2002
Anti-Depressant Drug Trials are Rigged

February 27, 2002
EPA Halts Human Pesticide Tests

February 26, 2002
Severe Side Effects Reported for Clozaril

February 22, 2002
Alzheimer’s Drug Tests Halted When 12 Volunteers Contract Encephalitis

February 21, 2002
Influencing Doctors: How Pharmaceutical Companies Use Enticement to "Educate" Doctors (Contains only the link to another site.)

February 20, 2002
How the mental health system has impeded patients’ road to recovery by stripping them of their humanity

February 19, 2002 
How a New FDA Policy Led to Seven Deadly Drugs

February 19a, 2002
INSANE PSYCHIATRY: A Profession Run Amok

February 18, 2002 
The Fred Hutchison Center in Seattle WA has failed three FDA inspections

February 18a, 2002
United States Government Sponsored Genetic Research in rural China Raises Troubling Ethical Concerns

February 18b, 2002
New Research Finding Threatens Sleeping Pill Sales

February 13, 2002 
In Search of the Anthrax Attacker by Meryl Nass, MD

January 7, 2002
MAD IN AMERICA – important new book

June 11, 2001
“Monster Experiment” taught orphans to stutter

July 25, 2001
Bioethics and Big Bucks – US NEWS

July 21, 2001: Government Agency Caves in to Johns Hopkins pressure

July 19, 2001: OHRP suspends Johns Hopkins Research license for Fed funded research

July 17, 2001: Johns Hopkins Admits Fault in Fatal Experiment

December 20, 2000: Harvesting China’s Blood- Washington Post

July 14, 2000: New FDA Warning about fatal risk linked to Melaril after 40 years

May/June, 2000: Prozac Revisited: Concerns About Suicides Surface – Boston Globe

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