January 12, 2014

1967-1968: Grünenthal executives were put on trial in Aachen, Germany The indictment charged the company with intent

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Thalidomide Litigation — Grünenthal Intimidation — Landmark Settlement

January 10, 2014

Phillipa Brandbourne — thalidomide victim “How Men Who Blighted Lives of thousands Evaded Justice.” The post-WWII horror story

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“From the Holocaust to Thalidomide: A Nazi Legacy”

June 11, 2022

Frances Oldham Kelsey MD, PhD, has earned her place as “America’s Greatest Living Heroine” — she turned 100

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Frances Oldham Kelsey

February 1, 2021

BBC: “Israel bought large stocks of the [Covid-19] jab in exchange for acting as the world’s guinea

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Government Consigned Israeli Population to be Human Subjects in a Massive Experiment

October 16, 2019

KAREN EFFREM, MDDr. Karen Effrem is a pediatrician, researcher, and conference speaker. Dr. Effrem’s undergraduate degree is

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Honor Roll

September 30, 2019

THE ALLIANCE FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTION  https://ahrp.org The following are my personal reflections about the profound threat

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Beware of Medicine Marching in Lockstep with Government, Personal Reflections

September 15, 2019

The “norm and practice” of Pharmaceutical companies is to vehemently deny the most serious adverse side effects

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Eli Lilly Paid Mass Shooting Victims Hush Money in Prozac Lawsuit

February 23, 2017

Politics and the perversion of science: In 2003, a congressional committee report, documented political interference and manipulation

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How academics promoted GMO propaganda & perverted science

December 10, 2014

Photos of 15 at: Annie Jacobsen. Operation Paperclip, 2014 Werner Von Braun, an aerodynamics expert and Nazi

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Operation Paperclip Nazi Rogues page

November 18, 2014

“Children’s Euthanasia & the German Society of Pediatrics – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkund (DGK)  The Nazi “children’s

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Children’s Euthanasia & the German Society of Pediatrics

September 27, 2014

Frances Oldham Kelsey MD, PhD, has earned her place as “America’s Greatest Living Heroine” — she turned

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Frances Oldham Kelsey MD, PhD

January 4, 2013

Commercially corrupted medicine is the leading cause of death in the US—and it is bankrupting the US

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Can Medical Research be Trusted?

October 26, 2006

Safety of American Drugs Questioned – Assoc Press Thu, 2 Dec 2004 In his CNN news program

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Safety of American Drugs Questioned – Assoc Press

October 26, 2006

Grassley Calls for Safety Review /Unsafe Drugs Marketed to Consumers / FDA Lacks Leadership Sun, 19 Dec

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Grassley Calls for Safety Review /Unsafe Drugs Marketed to Consumers / FDA Lacks Leadership