January 1, 2013

Below is the latest in the Washington Post series–Can Medical Research be Trusted?  its focus is the

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Rising Painkiller Addiction Shows Damage From Drugmakers’ Role in Shaping Medical Opinion

June 1, 2011

Medicine has been derailed from its Hippocratic tradition, science has been utterly corrupted by commercial interests, and

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Commercially-Driven Medicine: Implant Device Sales Tactics

August 23, 2010

Kudos to Carl Elliott, MD, PhD,  whose powerful article, “Making a Killing,” published in Mother Jones, is

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Making a Killing–Marketing Exercises by Dr. Carl Elliott

July 25, 2009

Daniel Carlat, MD , is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Tufts University School of Medicine Publisher and

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ACRE–A High Powered Harvard Stealth Pharma Front Group

June 20, 2009

Medtronic has said that consulting arrangements with surgeons are critical to the development of new products. Company

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Medtronic Paid the Surgeon Accused Of Falsifying Study Nearly $800,000

May 24, 2009

Following accusations by three physicians who asserted that Dr. Timothy Kuklo, a former surgeon at Walter Reed

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Army Doctor Accused of Research Fraud Takes Leave From University

May 12, 2009

Academic physicians who hold senior faculty positions at prestigious medical centers, who have trained at the finest

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Army Report Finds Walter Reed Doctor Falsified Data

April 13, 2009

Electroshock machines were "grandfathered" into the system when the FDA assumed jurisdiction over medical devices in 1976.

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“Doctors of Deception” Electroshock machines to Undergo safety & efficacy tests

March 4, 2009

It appears that the medical profession is finally due for a rude awakening: by selling their professional

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Doctors On the Take May Go to Prison

October 26, 2006

Guidant Didn’t Disclose a Flaw in Defibrillator for 3 Years_NYT / FDA Wrong on Crestor Safety Tue,

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Guidant Didn’t Disclose a Flaw in Defibrillator for 3 Years – NYT / FDA Wrong on Crestor Safety

October 26, 2006

Guidant Case May Involve Crime Inquiry Thu, 29 Sep 2005 The New York Times reports that “criminal

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Guidant Case May Involve Crime Inquiry

October 26, 2006

“Orgasmatron” implant experiment – legitimate or dubious? Fri, 28 Nov 2003 The FDA has approved what one

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"Orgasmatron" implant experiment – legitimate or dubious?

October 16, 2006

The disclosure that former FDA Commissioner, Lester Crawford, aveterenarian, who headed the nation's powerful regulatory agency lied

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Former FDA Chief Lied Under Oath Is Charged With Financial Conflict of Interest

September 22, 2006

Success in academic psychiatry is not measured in the improvement of patients' mental health, but rather in

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2 letters Re: Dr. Nemeroff Failure to Disclose Conflicts of Interest_WSJ