September 2

Time to Support Vera Sharav… The Unthinkable happened at Nuremberg – Again! By Senta Depuydt


Nuremberg has been the site of a serious issue this past week.

Keeping the Nuremberg Protocol Safe and Sacred: Vera Sharav is Attacked for Bringing Attention to the Very Reason for the CODE! 

Please do not hesitate to share this information; abuse of this nature must not be tolerated.

Vera Sharav, born a Romanian Jew, Holocaust survivor and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (an organisation dedicated to protecting ‘clinical’ trial victims) was guest of honour at a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code.  The organisers must have had to promise that no reference to the current vaccination campaigns or to the Coronavirus crisis would be made, as the authorities deem such a comparison to be an offense to the memory of Nazi experiment victims.

Vera Sharav was deported to a concentration camp in 1941.  Her father died there after only a few months.  She herself survived hunger for three years before being evacuated, with other children, in 1944.  She was only reunited with her mother four years later.

 This event was her first visit to Germany since the end of the war and not without apprehension.   She nonetheless made the trip from New York, believing it to be her duty to remind people of the importance of respect for medical ethics and individual human rights, the pillars of our democratic societies.

 If anyone has the right to speak freely in this context, it is Vera Sharav.  And yet, the unthinkable has happened.

 The city of Nuremberg did not deign to take part in the commemoration.  It even tolerated – not to say encouraged – a “counter-demonstration by citizens’ groups” opposed to the ‘revisionist comments which minimise the suffering of Holocaust victims’ and also statements attributed to associations criticising the pandemic health measures.  Above all however, the day after the event, the local press, the ‘Nuremberger Nachrichten’, dared to accuse Mrs Sharav of having contributed to such offences, by comparing the vaccination campaigns to Nazi crimes.  

 Not only is this outrageous, but it is abundantly clear from her speech that this is a gross misinterpretation of what she said.  Rather than speak of Nazism, Vera Sharav denounced eugenics, a perverse ideology implemented with the participation of the scientific and medical authorities of the time.  Recalling that Jews were first excluded from social life, under the pretext of being vectors of disease, before being locked up in ghettos ‘for reasons of public hygiene’, she highlighted the fact that the Holocaust was prepared over a decade prior to this by discrimination and progressive suppression of rights and freedoms, under the cover of ‘pseudo-science’.  A fact unknown or perhaps forgotten, is that eugenics policies were fomented long before the war. 

In Germany, government doctors euthanised thousands of German children, orphans and disabled people, before eliminating old people in care homes, because they were all useless mouths to feed.   In the United States, campaigns of forced sterilisation of the handicapped, the feeble-minded or certain ethnic groups in dire straits, continued into the 1980s.   

 So yes, as Vera Sharav stated, the Nuremberg Code is primarily a safeguard for future generations.  It was written to be used, to prevent science and medicine from being appropriated again for authoritarian, discriminatory and eugenic policies.   This is why it has been included in whole or in part in the constitutions or texts of various nations.  And that is why her speech ‘Never Again is Now’ is a warning against the dangerous paths taken by today’s governments.    

 But in 2022, this cannot be said in Nuremberg. 

 Of course not everyone shares the same opinion and it is understandable that other doctors or organisations might be shocked by the mention of similarities between the excesses of the time and today’s health crisis measures.  If however the aim is to honour the memory of the victims and the spirit of Nuremberg, should we not work towards a dialogue on these issues, respecting each other’s identity and opinions?  

 Instead, the local press chose to censor and denigrate this great lady.  It even descended so shockingly low as to call Vera Sharav a ‘Romanian, introduced as a Holocaust survivor’. Suddenly, the Jew is no longer a Jew, she is ‘only’ Romanian.  And she is ‘introduced’ as a Holocaust survivor, as if it were a sham, as if they were refusing to recognise what she had been through.  Finally, the fact that she has worked her whole life to preserve respect for medical ethics and to protect the weakest was also ignored… This is a low, a very low point.

 Two days later, Vera Sharav was scheduled to speak at the Munich demonstration.  She found herself at a loss for words.

 To honour the courage and action of this brave lady and to ensure that our rights are respected, please share this article.  Never again is now.

75th Anniversary of Nuremberg

Original in French: 


Disturbing indicators of Germany’s slide backwards: unlawful censorship laws in violation of Germany’s Grundgesetz (Constitution):  

Article 5 of the Grundgesetz (i.e., Germany’s constitution):

“Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.”

  • CENSORSHIP has been instituted in Germany. Books are banned; and speech that contradicts the official government narrative is criminalized. 

Books  — such as The Rise of the New Normal Reich by CJ Hopkins, Are banned Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

On the other hand, Stepan Bandera, the militant Ukrainian nationalist Nazi collaborator is widely acclaimed as a hero in Ukraine. Ukrainian ultra-nationalists collaborated with the Nazis in carrying out their horrendous deeds. 

Bandera’s cohorts were responsible for multiple murderous atrocities—including Babi Yar, the largest massacre outside of Kyev— where more than 30,000 Jewish men, women, and children were slaughtered in a two day shooting spree. 

It is estimated that a quarter of all victims of the Holocaust lived in Ukraine.

The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army participated in this genocidal rampage:

“OUN militias were key actors in the anti-Jewish violence of summer 1941; OUN recruited for and infiltrated police formations that provided indispensable manpower for the Germans’ mobile killing units; and in 1943, thousands of these policemen deserted from German service to join the OUN-led nationalist insurgency, during which UPA killed Jews who had managed to survive the major liquidations of 1942.” 

According to Ian Sayer and Douglas Botting, the OUN played a significant part in the extermination of the Jews and other ‘undesirables,’ often performing the dirty work of the German Einsatzkommando extermination squads (eg the killing of children).

Today, multiple streets have been named in recent years in Ukraine for leading Ukrainian Nazi collaborators such as: Roman Shukhevych, whose troops are believed to have killed thousands of Jews. He and Stepan Bandera, are among the men being celebrated as heroes today for teaming up with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union during World War II.

Bandera is buried in Munich — where his monumental sized grave serves as a shrine for neo-Nazis. 

The Ukrainian AZOV unit – which perpetuates Nazi ideology and insignia — has recruited neo-Nazis from Germany, the UKBrazilSweden, and America.
(The NATION, February 22, 2019)

*Post Script: a criminal complaint has been filed against me with the Nuremberg police; asserting that I trivialized the Holocaust! 

This is a blatant Warning Sign of the prohibition against freedom of speech signifies the erosion of a civilized democracy. The group or individual who filed the criminal complaint is following the Nazi Goebels’ intimidating hate-mongering playbook; a playbook that inevitably leads to persecution and genocide.


Disturbing indicators of Germany’s slide backwards: unlawful censorship laws in violation of Germany’s Grundgesetz (Constitution):  

Article 5 of the Grundgesetz (i.e., Germany’s constitution):

“Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing, and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources. Freedom of the press and freedom of reporting by means of broadcasts and films shall be guaranteed. There shall be no censorship.”

  • CENSORSHIP has been instituted in Germany. Books are banned; and speech that contradicts the official government narrative is criminalized. 

Books  — such as The Rise of the New Normal Reich by CJ Hopkins, Are banned Germany, Austria and the Netherlands.

On the other hand, Stepan Bandera, the militant Ukrainian nationalist Nazi collaborator is widely acclaimed as a hero in Ukraine. Ukrainian ultra-nationalists collaborated with the Nazis in carrying out their horrendous deeds. 

Bandera’s cohorts were responsible for multiple murderous atrocities—including Babi Yar, the largest massacre outside of Kyev— where more than 30,000 Jewish men, women, and children were slaughtered in a two day shooting spree. 

It is estimated that a quarter of all victims of the Holocaust lived in Ukraine.

The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army participated in this genocidal rampage:

“OUN militias were key actors in the anti-Jewish violence of summer 1941; OUN recruited for and infiltrated police formations that provided indispensable manpower for the Germans’ mobile killing units; and in 1943, thousands of these policemen deserted from German service to join the OUN-led nationalist insurgency, during which UPA killed Jews who had managed to survive the major liquidations of 1942.” 

According to Ian Sayer and Douglas Botting, the OUN played a significant part in the extermination of the Jews and other ‘undesirables,’ often performing the dirty work of the German Einsatzkommando extermination squads (eg the killing of children).

Today, multiple streets have been named in recent years in Ukraine for leading Ukrainian Nazi collaborators such as: Roman Shukhevych, whose troops are believed to have killed thousands of Jews. He and Stepan Bandera, are among the men being celebrated as heroes today for teaming up with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union during World War II.

Bandera is buried in Munich — where his monumental sized grave serves as a shrine for neo-Nazis. 

The Ukrainian AZOV unit – which perpetuates Nazi ideology and insignia — has recruited neo-Nazis from Germany, the UKBrazilSweden, and America.
(The NATION, February 22, 2019)

*Post Script: a criminal complaint has been filed against me with the Nuremberg police; asserting that I trivialized the Holocaust! 

This is a blatant Warning Sign of the prohibition against freedom of speech signifies the erosion of a civilized democracy. The group or individual who filed the criminal complaint is following the Nazi Goebels’ intimidating hate-mongering playbook; a playbook that inevitably leads to persecution and genocide.

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