March 26, 2020

Michael Levitt, PhD Michael Levitt, PhD, is an American-British-Israeli-South-African biophysicist. Since 1987, he is professor of structural

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Updated: Medical Doctors & Scientists Who Dispute the Official Covid-19 Panic Narrative

December 19, 2016

“Direct Order”: An award-winning documentary (first released in 2003; updated and posted on YouTube in 2013) focuses

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Troubling Ethics: Anthrax Vaccine Experiments on Soldiers-Israeli, U.S.

August 17, 2016

A battle is in full swing between scientists demanding access to clinical trial data from published reports;

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UK Tribunal Orders Disclosure of Clinical Trial Data

September 27, 2014

Professor and chair of the department of Family and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Louisville. From

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Diane Harper, MD

September 27, 2014

John Anthony Morris, MD, a bacteriologist and virologist who trained at Walter Reed Hospital. He had a

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John Anthony Morris, MD (1919–2014)

March 10, 2013

The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) Opposes a Government Plan to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

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AHRP Opposes Gov Plan to Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

March 5, 2013

Medscapre reports: "A large study to determine if pre-exposure prophylaxis could prevent HIV transmission among high-risk women

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Anti-AIDS pill, vaginal gel unsuitable for Africa: study

February 24, 2013

The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) is urging citizens to write to your elected officials and

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US Government PlansTo Test Anthrax Vaccine on Children

January 11, 2013

Anthrax Vaccine:  Its checkered history, excessive stockpile and the human and financial costs By Meryl Nass, MD*

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Anthrax Vaccine: history, excessive stockpile & the human and Financial Costs

December 13, 2012

On September 21, 2012, the American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center filed a lawsuit in federal court charging

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Lawsuit filed against the EPA for immoral human experimentation

October 10, 2012

This is a follow up to our Infomail, Cochrane Collaboration: Flu Vaccines of No Benefit. In light

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Flu Vaccines Are a Waste of Money

October 10, 2012

A study in the journal, Human & Experimental Toxicology (Oct. 2012) examined FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting

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CDC Flu Vaccine Recommendation for Pregnant Women Causes Serioous Harm to Unborn Infants

October 7, 2012

The US infant vaccine schedule is the most aggressive in the world. US infants are subjected from

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part III-Vaccine Controversy

September 21, 2012

The headline in The New York Times (Friday, Sept 21) “Reversing Trend, Life Span Shrinks for Some

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America’s Healthcare Crisis–Part I “The Whole System is Broken”