September 29, 2022

“Here we will have to really think medical-legal. Why medical-legal? Because [despite] quite a few adverse events

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Israeli Government Officials Concealed Evidence Documenting Irreparable Harm Following Covid-19 Jabs

January 14, 2022

Informed Consent is a Human Right Personalized Medicine is Ethical Medicine Support Doctors Who Put Patients’ Best

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Medical Doctors Under Siege

November 12, 2019

Justice R.M. Lodha “Human beings are being treated like animals”  R.M. Lodha, former Chief Justice of the

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An Experimental Medical Atrocity Approved by Officials of the Indian Government

September 28, 2019

Recent news reports confirm the worst fears: the oral polio vaccine has caused crippling paralysis because live

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The Global Polio Vaccination Policy Serves as a Cautionary Tale

August 5, 2016

“Should the U.S. government use tax dollars to fund scientists fusing human stem cells into early animal

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N.I.H. Seeks OK to Fund Human-Animal Stem Cell Experiments

June 30, 2016

Stakeholders in the Medical research enterprise, in the European Union and in the U.S., claim that clinical

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A Recent Deadly Drug Experiment – BIA 10-2474 – Rennes, France

May 31, 2016

Dr. Brian Hooker Congress must act to ban the use of Thimerosal in ALL vaccines. CDC documents

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CDC Documents Reveal Malfeasance: Mercury – Autism Concealed

February 19, 2015

Safety and Effectiveness Information from CDC and DHHS I’ve been asked to contrast the risk from tIhe

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Safety and Effectiveness of the MMR vaccine

March 5, 2013

Medscapre reports: "A large study to determine if pre-exposure prophylaxis could prevent HIV transmission among high-risk women

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Anti-AIDS pill, vaginal gel unsuitable for Africa: study

March 21, 2011

The New York Times reports (below) that "The women who were exposed to the tungsten were taking

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Women’s Breasts Riddled With Metal by Mistake in a Study

July 22, 2010

The FDA has approved numerous clinically insignificant drugs whose severe adverse effects–include heart attacks, liver damage, acute

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Chantix Triggers Unprovoked Violence

February 9, 2009

America’s Medicated Army by Mark Thompson, is an unusually balanced, informative, insightful article that sheds light on

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America’s Medicated Army + New Studies Linking SSRI to Suicide

October 26, 2006

Recent developments in gene transfer research: risk and ethics Mon, 10 Jan 2005 An analysis by Dr.

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Recent developments in gene transfer research: risk and ethics

October 26, 2006

Risks: Drugs / Vaccines / Trials / Treatment Evidence of antidepressant harm Oct 14, 2005: Andrew Finkelstein

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Risks: Drugs / Vaccines / Trials / Treatments