March 3, 2020

A large scale malaria vaccine “pilot study” led by the World Health Organization is being conducted in

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The WHO Malaria Vaccine Trial Exposes African Children to Risk Without Parental Consent

August 1, 2015

Codes of ethical research and Federal regulations for the protection of children were grossly violated; children suffered

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Accountability Demanded – NYC Foster Children AIDS drug trials

November 21, 2014

Karen R. Effrem, MD EdWatch Board of Directors Alliance for Human Research Protection Board of Directors ICSPP

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Testimony Against SF 2841-Minnesota – Preschool Socioemotional Screening–Karen Effrem, MD.

September 27, 2014

Professor and chair of the department of Family and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Louisville. From

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Diane Harper, MD

September 27, 2014

Bernadine Healy, MD, a cardiologist, was the first woman Director of the National Institutes of Health (1991–1993); Dean of

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Bernadine Healy, MD (1944–2011)

September 27, 2014

Jacob Puliyel, MD, MRCP, M Phil, heads pediatrics at St. Stephens Hospital Delhi, India, and member of

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Jacob Puliyel, MD, MRCP, M Phil

March 5, 2013

The New York Times front page article, “In Medical First, Baby With HIV Is Reported Cured, ”

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A Baby Alleged to Have been “HIV Infected” is “Deemed Cured”–But Where is the Proof?

October 10, 2012

This is a follow up to our Infomail, Cochrane Collaboration: Flu Vaccines of No Benefit. In light

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Flu Vaccines Are a Waste of Money

October 10, 2012

This is the season that many Americans are advised-even pressured–to get flu shots. Indeed, flu shots are

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Cochrane Collaboration: Flu Vaccines of No Benefit

September 1, 2011

  A year after professor Susan M. Reverby, a historian at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, uncovered a

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Presidential Panel Condemns US Syphilis Study in Guatemala

April 14, 2011

Global Health Philanthropy and Institutional Relationships: How Should Conflicts of Interest Be Addressed?  by David Stuckler, Sanjay

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Private Foundations’ Conflicts of Interest Revealed

April 6, 2011

I HIGHLY recommend a 3-Part video presentation (total 1/2 hour) on the Ethical Use of Newer Vaccines

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Ethics of Marketing Vaccines: Dr. Jacob Puliyal

February 27, 2011

In 2011, the Associated Press reported, “Shocking as it may seem, U>S. government doctors once thought it

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Horrific US Medical Experiments Come to Light

February 11, 2011

Vaccines are legally classified as "unavoidably unsafe"–an indication that they pose an inherent risk. Vaccines have not

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