Judy Mikovits PhD, a molecular biologist who joined the National Institutes of Health in 1980 as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Molecular Virology at the National Cancer Institute where she conducted research for 22 years with her mentor, Dr. Frank Ruscetti, a pioneer in the field of human retrovirology, with whom she collaborated for 35-years. Working Dr Russetti, she helped isolate the HIV virus, linking it to AIDS in 1983. They wrote the first paper that confirmed the finding of Dr. Luc Montagnier who discovered HIV; a discovery for which he won the Noble Prize in medicine in 2008.
Dr. Mikovits has been on the leading edge of science. From her doctoral thesis, which led to changing the treatment of HIV-AIDS, and saving lives of millions of people, including basketball great Magic Johnson, to her controversial discovery of a new family of human retroviruses.
However, her investigations and groundbreaking discoveries raised serious questions about whether the use of animal tissue in medical research and vaccines were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases, such as AIDS, autism and chronic fatigue syndrome. Her research posed a threat to the NIH-sanctioned medical paradigms that have produced huge profits – both for the pharmaceutical industry and federal public health institutions within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Dr. Mikovits suffered the consequences that befall scientists who dare to challenge highly profitable, pharmaceutical-focused paradigms of care.
In his Forward to the book, Plague of Corruption: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. writes:
“This account by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively is vitally important both to the health of our children and the vitality of our democracy. My father believed moral courage to be the rarest species of bravery. Rarer even than the physical courage of soldiers in battle or great intelligence. He thought it the one vital quality required to salvage the world. If we are to continue to enjoy democracy and protect our children from the forces that seek to commoditize humanity, then we need courageous scientists like Judy Mikovits who are willing to speak truth to power, even at terrible personal cost.” [Moral Courage and Our Common Future]
Prior to the completion of the full-length documentary we’ll be releasing a series of vignettes. The first installment – 25 minutes – features an interview with Dr. Mikovits who alleges that Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, directed a sustained, vicious campaign to discredit her and ruin her illustrious career.
According to her testimony, Dr. Fauci demanded a pre-publication copy of the paper that she and Dr. Ruscetti had written; the paper was already in press. While she refused, Dr. Ruscetti acquiesced to the pressure. Did Dr. Fauci intervene in delaying the publication of that critical paper for 6 months? Dr. Mikovits alleges that he did in order to allow his protégé Robert Gallo the time to replicate, publish, and claim credit for the work of Dr. Ruscetti and her.
The 6-month delay in publication, she notes, delayed mass HIV testing thereby letting AIDS to continue to spread around the globe, killing millions of people. For his role, Dr. Fauci won promotion to director NIAID in 1984.
This has become so much more than just a documentary. It is a challenge to speak truth to power when those in power have abrogated all manner of civil and human rights, including the right to informed consent to medical interventions. Those in authority have given themselves total control over public health, while protecting themselves from ALL accountability.
Recent legislation whose existence the public has no knowledge, is the US Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP Act) of 2020. Under PREP the Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to issue a PREP declaration which:
“provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures. A PREP Act declaration is specifically for the purpose of providing immunity from liability, and is different from, and not dependent on, other emergency declarations.”
The public unveiling of the decade long persecution of a prominent, truth seeking scientist whose cutting edge research at the National Cancer Institute, by a coterie of powerful, seemingly untouchable officials, is shocking. Dr. Mikovits is by no means the first to have clashed with the entrenched public health power structure whose personal and institutional financial interests were threatened by the scientific findings of honest scientists. [Several of these exemplary scientists are on the AHRP Honor Roll}
Dr. Mikowits’ coming forward publicly – with two books that document her allegations, and a documentary – is a demonstration of courage. We too must stand up and exercise free speech to protect our civil and human rights, in particular our right to say NO to unwanted medical interventions. We must challenge the authority of those who are bent on controlling our bodies, our minds, our children and the future of humanity.
Dr. Robert Levin, the director of Ventura County Public Health, created a public fury when he informed the board of supervisors last week about a plan to hire up to 50 new “contact tracing investigators” to “find people who have COVID-19 and immediately isolate them find every one of their contacts, make sure they stay quarantined and check in with them every day.” In other words, — i.e., forcibly remove them from their homes. Levin was forced to apologize and retract his statement, following the furor on social media.
However, proof that such Gestapo public health enforcement methods are seriously being considered, is legislation has been recommended by federal legislators: On May 1, 2020, the House of Representatives introduced HR 6666:
“To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to eligible entities to conduct diagnostic testing for COVID–19, and related activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals’ residences, and for other purposes.”
As for the rush to market a vaccine that uses novel genetic engineering — a method that has never been used in the manufacture of a vaccine; and testing the vaccine on human beings without prior animal testing, is another disturbing sign that government officials in concert with pharmaceutical companies — in public-private partnerships — are overturning bedrock medical ethics standards that were enacted to prevent high risk human experimentation — in the quest for profits.

Maurice Hilleman, the father of modern vaccination who created dozens of vaccines for viruses including measles, mumps, meningitis, pneumonia, and rubella, recognized the inherent danger posed by every new vaccine. He famously stated:
“I never breathe a sigh of relief until the first 3 million doses are out there.”
Even Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and co-creator of the rotavirus vaccine, an ardent vaccine promoter, warned against hasty launching of an inadequately tested coronavirus vaccine, because of the high risks involved.
- Dr. Fauci, however, has no qualms about fast-tracking a minimally tested vaccine whose
Anthony Fauci, MD manufacturer, Moderna, has never brought a vaccine or any medical product to market.
Moderna officials acknowledged that the company had incurred net losses each year since its inception in 2009. “As of September 30, 20218, we had an accumulated deficit of $865.2 million.” [MarketWatch]
Below are examples of the responses by the pharmaceutical industry-influenced mainstream media to the public interest in this introductory documentary.
FORBES: Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It
“By now you’ve probably heard about or even seen the video “Plandemic” that’s been spreading like wildfire through social media networks. This article is not the one you should give to your friend or relative or coworker who shared the video. This is an article for those who recognized the video as rife with conspiracy theories, misinformation and false claims, those who are frustrated and unsettled and disappointed in who they see sharing it, and those who want to know what to say when they see it. It explains why the video is successful, how to recognize propaganda like this for what it is, and explain why it is so, so, so important to speak up about this particular video.
BBC: Coronavirus: ‘Plandemic’ Video Spreads Across Social Media Virus Conspiracy
“Despite efforts to remove it, users are constantly re-uploading the clip.
Since the 26-minute video first appeared earlier this week, it has exploded across YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other websites, prompting an attempt to remove it.
Among its claims are that the virus must have been released from a laboratory environment and could not possibly be naturally-occurring; that using masks and gloves actually makes people more sick; and that closing beaches is “insanity” because of “healing microbes” in the water.
Washington Post: Who is Judy Mikovits in ‘Plandemic,’ The Coronavirus Conspiracy Video Just Banned From Social Media?
“For the first two decades of her career, Mikovits spent 22 years working for the National Cancer Institute. She left that job in 2001, and the New York Times reported in a 2009 profile that Mikovits moved from Maryland to California to work for a drug company that later failed. She ended up bar tending for a yacht club, the Times reported, before she was recruited to helm a privately-funded research clinic, Whittemore Peterson Institute, which was dedicated to finding the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.
…In “Plandemic,” Mikovits tells the story of how she was arrested at her home in southern California, briefly jailed and charged with being a “fugitive from justice.” The PowerPoint she shared with The Post includes a slide with a screenshot of a news story about her arrest that includes minimal information about the allegations against her. In the film, she suggests that she was not accused of a crime and that the arrest was intended to intimidate her.
But the local prosecutor in Washoe County, Nev., charged her with allegedly stealing computer data and other materials from her former lab at the Whittemore Peterson Institute. The criminal charges were eventually dropped in June 2012, after the Whittemore family encountered its own set of legal troubles that discouraged the Washoe County prosecutor from pursuing the case.
Before the charges were dropped, a lab employee reportedly signed an affidavit claiming that he had removed notebooks from the lab and stored them in his mother’s garage before delivering them to Mikovits, the New York Times reported.
After her legal mess, Mikovits wrote her first book with anti-vaccine advocate Kent Heckenlively in 2014, called “Plague.” Their second book, “Plague of Corruption,” was published by Skyhorse Publishing this year and was listed as the number one on Amazon’s best sellers list as recently as Friday morning, beating out presales for Stephanie Meyer’s upcoming addition to the massively successful “Twilight” series.
Across the web, skeptics of the coronavirus pandemic have rallied behind the book and the conspiracies promoted in “Plandemic.” The film trended on Twitter and racked up 1.8 million views on Facebook before the platform removed the video
EcoWatch: Social Media Companies Rush to Remove Conspiracy-Laden ‘Plandemic’ Video
“Plandemic video racked up a combined 4.7 million views on YouTube on Monday and Tuesday, according to BuzzSumo, a social media tool, as CNET reported.
In the video Mikovits, who has said Dr. Anthony Fauci should be charged with treason, vociferously criticized the nation’s leading infectious disease doctor and also suggested the virus had been engineered, saying it wasn’t a “natural occurrence.” As CNET reported, scientists widely believe the virus jumped from animals to human beings, and the U.S. intelligence community took the unusual step of publicly saying it believed the virus wasn’t “manmade or genetically modified.”
New York POST https://nypost.com/2020/05/07/social-media-networks-scrambling-to-remove-viral-conspiracy-video/
SF GATE (San Francisco Chronicle): Facebook and Other Companies Remove Viral ‘Planddemic’ conspiracy Video
MIT Technology Review: Facebook and YouTube are rushing to delete “Plandemic,” a conspiracy-laden video
A 25-minute clip of an upcoming documentary featuring a well-known anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist was viewed millions of times this week on social media
When copies of “Plandemic” began to disappear from YouTube, supporters bombarded Twitter with claims that they were being unfairly censored. The documentary subsequently became a trending hashtag on Thursday, driving even more attention, outrage, and media coverage to it.”
UK Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/independentpremium/long-reads/coronavirus-conspiracy-theory-trump-us-hoax-a9498081.html
“Plandemic” — which has been trending on Twitter — includes common themes of a federal government cover-up, profiteering over the virus and persecution of people attempting to expose “the truth.” While YouTube and other social media platforms have been trying to remove the video for violating their guidelines, the clip has been widely recirculated.
Here are four things to know about the controversial career of Mikovits, the scientist featured in “Plandemic”:
- Her research on an illness called chronic fatigue syndrome was discredited years ago.
- The paper was retracted and Mikovits was fired.
- The debacle led to legal troubles for Mikovits.
- She’s also been in the news for anti-vaccine activism.
Mikovits has also claimed government cover-ups on the purported dangers of immunizations. In July, she spoke out against proposed legislation limiting vaccine exemptions in California, linking various diseases to what she called unsafe vaccines.
“This whole program is destroying the whole health of this country, and we don’t get it,” she said, according to the Ventura County Star in California.
Her assertions have been repeatedly debunked by medical experts.
CNBC: Facebook, YouTube and Other Platforms Are Struggling To Remove New Pandemic Conspiracy Video
One video, shared on Facebook by someone claiming to be one of the filmmakers behind the film, had received more than 1.7 million views as of Thursday and been shared more than 140,000 times. He encouraged viewers to download the video on the film’s website and share it to “all your favorite platforms.”
Buzz Feed News: The “Plandemic” Video Has Exploded Online — And It Is Filled With Falsehoods
Tech Crunch: Platforms Scramble As ‘Plandemic’ Conspiracy Video Spreads Misinformation Like Wildfire
Voice of America: The Infodemic: Popular ‘Plandemic’ Video Presents False Conspiracy Theories as Fact
Houston Chronicle: Facebook and Other Companies Remove Viral ‘Plandemic’ Conspiracy Video
International Business Times: Plandemic Video Featuring Controversial Judy Mikovits Goes Viral Fueling Latest Coronavirus Theory
REUTERS: Facebook, YouTube Remove ‘Plandemic’ Video with ‘Unsubstanttiated’ Coronavirus Claims
The Daily Beast: Discredited Doctor and Sham ‘Science’ Are the Stars of Viral Coronavirus Documentary ‘Plandemic’
VICE: ‘Plandemic’ Is Dangerous
“Judy Mikovits has an urgent story to tell. In essence, it goes like this: Top government scientists are responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, and a lot else besides. She knows because she was once one of them, before they tried to destroy her in an attempt to cover up the shoddiness of their work. America’s top public health officials, she says, cannot be trusted.
a lot of people want to hear this story, which is why Mikovits is atop the Amazon best-seller list and going so furiously viral—with a little help from some of the biggest figures in the anti-vaccine and conspiracy worlds, as well as several more mainstream public figures—that YouTube and Facebook can’t keep her off their platforms, even as they attempt to pull down videos that feature her making entirely risible claims. That this veteran of the fringe is having this moment in the spotlight is surprising—and yet somehow entirely predictable.”
PENN LIVE PATRIOT NEWS: Who Is Judy Mikovits, And What Does She Have To Do With Anthony Fauci And The Coronavirus?
“It’s the latest coronavirus-related topic that has sent the Internet into a divided rage.