September 14

Vaccine Mandate Protests

Across In Europe, the United States, and Australia, parents and children have been demonstrating by the thousands in opposition to government-mandated vaccination decrees which violate fundamental human rights.

Italians protest mandatory vaccination
3,500-4,000 Protest in Berlin
Orthodox Jewish Women Against Mandates, Monsey, NY

Whether in response, or a  coincidence, the European Commission and the World Health Organization  co-hosted a Global Vaccination Summit in Brussels, Belgium, on September 12, 2019. According to its website, the stated goal is “to propel global action against vaccine preventable disease and “against the spread of vaccine misinformation” by chanting:

  • In Vaccines we Trust 
  • The Magic of Science
  • Galvanizing a Global Response to Assure Health, Security and Prosperity through Immunization

Global Vaccination Summit September 12, 2019

The European Commission and the World Health Organization will co-host a Global Vaccination Summit on 12 September 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. The event takes place under the joint auspices of the European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. 

This high-level one-day event aims to bring together around 400 people, including political leaders, high-level representatives from the UN and other international organizations, health ministries, leading academics, scientists and health professionals, the private sector, social media influencers, and NGOs.

The goal is to propel global action against vaccine preventable diseases and against the spread of vaccine misinformation. It will demonstrate EU leadership for vaccination, boost political commitment towards eliminating vaccine preventable diseases and engage political leaders and leaders from scientific, medical, industry, philanthropic, digital media and civil society.” 

  • In Vaccines we Trust 
  • The Magic of Science
  • Galvanizing a Global Response to Assure Health, Security and Prosperity through Immunization WHO declared Vaccine Misinformation as one of the main health threats of 2019

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