April 13, 2023

Dear Supporter of Freedom, Autonomy and the Right to Voluntary Informed Consent! Please join me on Wednesday, April

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Join Robert F Kennedy Jr. – April 19 in Boston

October 26, 2022

FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Children’s Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability 

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FDA Advisory Panel & CDC Director are Complicit in Sacrificing Children’s Lives to Protect Pfizer from Liability

October 7, 2022

The wonders of mother’s breastmilk continue to amaze scientists. “Mother’s milk is a comestible marvel. It’s packed

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Newborn Infants Are Being Poisoned by Vaccine-Contaminated Mothers’ Milk

September 20, 2022


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[Animation] One Holocaust is Enough – God and Noncompliance: The Only Way Out

August 20, 2022

The Nuremberg 75 Speeches *Download the Nuremberg Code at Nuremberg75.com and use it as a protective defense

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The Nuremberg 75 Speeches

July 26, 2022

A Political Agenda Disregards the Science and Dictates Health Policies that Harm Children  Overwhelming evidence shows that

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A Political Agenda Disregards Science & Children Safety

July 26, 2022

Children, who are at no risk from Covid-19, are being aggressively pursued and forcibly injected with an

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Children Are Being Sacrificed on the Altar of Covid Vaccines

July 19, 2022

Leaked Documents Reveal: Israeli Ministry of Health Concealed Serious Harm from Pfizer Covid Vaccine Israel’s Ministry of

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Israel Was Caught Concealing Children’s Vaccine Injuries

November 12, 2019

Justice R.M. Lodha “Human beings are being treated like animals”  R.M. Lodha, former Chief Justice of the

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An Experimental Medical Atrocity Approved by Officials of the Indian Government

August 18, 2019

Donald Klein, MD, one of the pillars of biological psychiatry who was instrumental in medicalizing the ebbs

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Donald Klein, Who Expanded Psychiatry’s Chemical Toolbox, is Dead

August 1, 2015

Sept. 2006: Dr. Jeffrey Drazen, editor of The New England Journal of Medicine defends TGN1412 “the work must

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IOM Recommends Expanded Research on Prisoners; NEJM Editor Defends TGN1412

January 6, 2013

In the past decade India had emerged as a preferred site for drug trials by multinational pharmaceutical

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India Supreme Court Orders End to Illegal Clinical Trials

December 18, 2012

On Friday, December 14, 2012 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new tighter outdoor air quality standards

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Chutzpah: EPA Lied About its Human Pollution Experiments